College (SEC) football in HK

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    College (SEC) football in HK

    (College) Football season is starting up this month, I was wondering is there any way once can catch the games on TV. I've tried to see if I could subscribed to online TV but due to some IP restriction (based outside of USA), I'm unable to do so! Help!!!

    And slingbox is not the solution cos I'll need to hook it up back home and I'm physically here in HK now!!!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Kowloon, Hong Kong

    NFL Games in HK

    I am in the same boat, I want to catch the J-E-T-S on satellite, or cable system.

    Do Cable/Dish companies provide US channels for subscription cost? How costly?

    So the offer DVR's?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by wareagle79:
    (College) Football season is starting up this month, I was wondering is there any way once can catch the games on TV. I've tried to see if I could subscribed to online TV but due to some IP restriction (based outside of USA), I'm unable to do so! Help!!!
    You can subscribe to a VPN that will make it appear as though you have a U.S. IP address(Reliable is the one I'm using to stream NBC Olympic broadcasts).

    I also recommend the slingbox option - surely you can pursuade one of your fellow Auburn fans to set up a slingbox for you.

    I'm hoping that the games are broadcast here as part of a cable package so I can watch them at a pub, but I have no idea if this is the case.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Kowloon, Hong Kong

    Slinging it ....

    Quote Originally Posted by scubes:
    I also recommend the slingbox option - ...
    After some research and running out of time, Slingbox is my solution ... thanks scubes

  5. #5


    yeah, I'm getting my fellow auburn buds to fix a slingbox up for me, thanks for the info!
    Counting down to game day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! War D*mn Eagle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Clearwater Bay

    I wonder how many Auburn folks it'll take to set up a sling box... ???

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    I am sorry, can anyone tell me how to use the sling box

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    It is a small box that is you set up next to the source of the programming that you want to watch (in my case, I'm in HK / Tokyo and I have the slingbox hooked up back at my apartment in Chicago). It takes input from an audio/video source (usually cable box or DVR) and also connects to a network cable.

    That is pretty much the gist of it - with a source (the connection from the dvr or cable box) and a method of transmission (the network cable), you are free to begin sending yourself a little broadcast.

    In order to watch the broadcast, you have to download a slingplayer from the slingbox website (free) and it will walk you through configuration of the slingbox etc. The only other thing to note is that you also hook up some IR blasters (included with slingbox) which mimic the remote control for the source unit. With the IR blasters in place, not only can you watch whatever is showing on the TV back home, you can also control it over the internet to change the channel etc.

    Basically, its magic.....