I like to fish. When I take a walk at the reservoir, I see a alot of fish. I know a $35 license is needed.
But I am curious why I don't ever see anyone fishing at the reservoir. People seems to only fish next to the sea.
I like to fish. When I take a walk at the reservoir, I see a alot of fish. I know a $35 license is needed.
But I am curious why I don't ever see anyone fishing at the reservoir. People seems to only fish next to the sea.
Last edited by Degen; 30-12-2023 at 05:06 PM.
Coz this is a coastal city, and most people live near coasts not reservoirs .
You do get people fishing a bit out of the way around reservoirs... tai tam etc.
I think it is more to do with the fish you can catch in the reservoirs, they do not seem to have much vegetation or species variety. I read somewhere that they had tried to stock some game fish- black bass etc into local reservoirs but I think they probably need the vegetation to survive. I have seen some very large grass carp caught up at Plover Cove. The "best" fishing seems to be the really dirty drainage channels in the northern New Territories. Out cycling and saw a catfish hauled out of a filthy ditch near Fanling. No idea if it was for eating. I wouldn't want to touch anything pulled out of that murk.
Jokes aside, it isn’t easy lugging all the equipment up and down steep paths paved and unpaved + transport to the trailhead isn’t always the simplest.
Another issue is technically you’re only supposed to fish with one rod, so you have to find a hiding spot if you want to use multiple rods.
Its not impossible to do so, just not as convenient as coastal fishing.
Also up until a few years ago, there was a fishing season which probably turned people to costal fishing.
Jordan has a lot of professional anglers' supplies stores.
Lots of people fishing at the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade.
Sorted for you