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London Marathon 2010 - tips / running buddies needed!!

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    London Marathon 2010 - tips / running buddies needed!!

    Hey all!

    I've just moved over to HK mid training for the London Marathon in April 2010. In my naivety I assumed I would be happy to continue my training on the running machine at the gym - so wrong!! I'm having a minor panic about hitting my training plans now (i've only been able to manage an hour at a time on the running machine, mainly due to the fact I get so bored but also the gym is soo hot!!) so i'm wondering if anyone has any tips on where is good to go for long runs outdoors, or indeed, if anyone fancies doing some runs together? All i seem to be able to find are running tracks (runnuing round and round for 2-3 hours is as appealing as running on the running machine!!!) or the trails, however, i'm a little nervous about doing the trails alone!



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    HK Island

    I also don't like running indoors on a stationary machine. Living in Causeway Bay, choices are more limited because the air is so bad. I usually run late at night or early in the morning along the water then into Victoria Park which isn't too bad to do random circuits.

    Also if you are concerned about the heat of the indoors, running outside, you get the humidity, pollution, heat and bugs :/

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  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Bowen road could be a start (2 back and forth would allow you to do 16Km)

    SophieD likes this.

  4. #4

    Hi SophieD,

    I just completed the Standard Chartered Marathon a few weeks ago. The conditions were absolutely brutal! Personally, the training was also less than ideal. Finding good places to run was certainly challenging so I did almost all of my training in Tai Tam Country Park, RedHill Peninsula, and out by Tung Chung on Lantau. If you are looking for a training partner, drop me a line - I don't think I will be running another marathon this year, but I am certainly looking to maintain my fitness and would be happy to push you in your training.


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