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Is riding a motorcycle in HK more dangerous than riding one here in the UK

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Heathrow, UK.

    Question Is riding a motorcycle in HK more dangerous than riding one here in the UK

    ...hi - , been riding here in the UK some good years now, and would love to ride one day in HK, but aren't the UK roads safer than HK's for motorcyclists statistically maybe?.

    when I think of riding in HK, i think of what i've seen on youtube with the crazy motor cycle accidents in the asia region


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Sai Kung

    I don't know UK. I've been riding in Norway and Australia, and 4-5 years in Hong Kong on big bikes. I don't find it bad at all. I've never had an incident or a close call I couldn't manage. Overall traffic is fine for bikes. It's not like many other places in Asia.

    Gotta watch out when riding in heavy traffic when going between traffic of course as cars sometimes change lanes without signaling. But hey, most places are like that. When riding up in New Territories, it's all good.

    Ride safe!

    m4nn likes this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Heathrow, UK.

    thank you master.
    is my UK motorcycle entitlement recognised in HK as a visitor, say If I hired one, or changed my licence to a HK one, or is it just for cars?.
    sorry for the daft seeming question - just don't wanna get myself in trouble there.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Ex Sai Kunger Sunny Qld for now

    Car Licences for foreigners of first world nations ie BRIC etc that hold a valid HKID card, can transfer their overseas licence with attached endorsements ie motorcycle/car here in the HKG.

    Technically, all you need to drive/ride in HK as a non resident on a tourist visa is, an international drivers licence attached to your UK one...

    You don't just need a HK licence to hire a vehicle here, a valid international licence and a credit card will suffice....Just like majority of Europe or Australasia/America etc etc

    Also, when you do become a legal HK resident, HK law stipulates that, you can only drive on an international licence for a period of not longer than 6 months of becoming a resident. After that, you must convert your overseas licence to a HK issued one, which can be done at any licencing branch of the HK Transport Department...

    Last edited by Skyhook; 01-03-2012 at 10:22 AM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Sai Kung

    Also note that, as far as I know, there's not many options for hiring motorcycles in HK. Cars yes, but bikes no. Gotta buy.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sai Kung / Clearwater Bay

    i think its just as dangerous here as anywhere! ( so you do need to watch out.. but I think people drive a bit slower here - and actually since there are less bikes on the road maybe notice them? altho I have had people pull out infront of me on junctions occasionally..

    you will need a strategy to deal with tail gaters tho.. people really do like to do that here in general... I find slowing down and then speeding up until they get the "correct" distance works after a few goes..

    but I would say here is less dangerous than say new zealand..... i think NZ drivers are more aggressive.. here they are passive aggressive?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    I don't think its any more dangerous - just a different driving culture. As long as you drive defensively and anticipate people doing unpredictable things (like switching lanes without indicating, or overtaking in a slow lane, or tailgating) after a while these nuisances become predictable and fairly easy to deal with.

    Although folks drive somewhat aggressively here, there is no real anger behind it... so you are less likely to experience a road rage incident I expect!

    Safe driving!

    Skyhook likes this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Agreed with mrdollars, learn to drive defensively and use the bikes acceleration to get ahead of the pack. Use your headlights, and never sit at a light in neutral, be ready to move incase you get bumped from behind.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by rlleung:
    be ready to move BEFORE you get bumped from behind.

    When stopping i will usually pull to one side or the other of the stopped car in front of me, and will flash my brake light whenever someone is coming up on us. Sometimes bikes will blend into the car in front of them, at a stop, to drivers that arent paying attention. This'll also give you a clear shot to move if needed. Make yourself stand out and always be looking in your mirrors.
    Last edited by oki_boy; 03-03-2012 at 08:19 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Grüne Hölle (CWB)

    Although I've yet to get out on two wheels in HK, I have been observing traffic in HK with interest since my arrival here a few months ago. My initial reaction was (and remains) that HK drivers are noticeably less predictable than those in the UK--and they appear to treat indicators/signals as unnecessary or at least optional. Having said that I'm still looking forward to getting my bikes registered and I think I'll be fine if I just assume the worst of all drivers at all times!

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