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Can I contest this parking ticket?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Can I contest this parking ticket?

    Got a ticket today and was about to pay it at the ATM until I noticed the police officer apparently filled in the wrong year multiple times on the ticket. First he wrote a "19" in the space designated for the current year, crossed it out, wrote a "6" above, crossed it out again and finally wrote a "7" next to it. The officer then did the same exact thing on the second date section on the bottom, starting with "19" then writing a "6" above before finally settling on "7" below.

    Is it possible to contest a parking ticket like this? I mean, it's only $320 but how do you make that mistake twice??

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rickyross:
    Got a ticket today and was about to pay it at the ATM until I noticed the police officer apparently filled in the wrong year multiple times on the ticket. First he wrote a "19" in the space designated for the current year, crossed it out, wrote a "6" above, crossed it out again and finally wrote a "7" next to it. The officer then did the same exact thing on the second date section on the bottom, starting with "19" then writing a "6" above before finally settling on "7" below.

    Is it possible to contest a parking ticket like this? I mean, it's only $320 but how do you make that mistake twice??
    Did the police officer sign each change?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2009

    You can contest any parking ticket.

    Question is, is it worth the effort? Be prepared to invest quite a bit of time and to tell your story multible times to multible people, which really don't understand what you talk about, and after you told your story in great detail will give you another number number to call, which is either not answered or an automated message, and when you reach a person, and explain, you get another number, and....

    If I did parked bad I would simply pay and it's over.

    Skyhook and shri like this.

  4. #4

    Pay up and have an easy life HKs parking is a joke

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by emx:
    Did the police officer sign each change?
    No, he just crossed it out and rewrote a new number, no signature anywhere on the ticket.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Hong Kong

    Best to just pay it. If it is defective they will mail you a letter saying it's cancelled and that you can apply for a refund. SAVE your receipt. If you do online transfer without a receipt then you have to fill out another declaration.

    Also you can contest the violation online and they will give you a decision. Best to pay it now so it doesn't double in case you're wrong or you forgot to pay.

    Hk police e-report

    e-Report Room | Hong Kong Police Force

    Then go to unjustified fixed penalty ticket. Fill the form. refund took months so put it on the back burner and leave it.

    timonoj and rickyross like this.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MandM!:
    Then go to unjustified fixed penalty ticket.
    I believe the difference here is that the ticked was badly done, but generally justified. The offense was done.

    But maybe somebody in the police chain has also problems to figure that one out, so I would certainly not pay right away and wait for the letter.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    In third world cities like New Delhi, India, they use hand held devices to print and issue tickets, since many of the constables are too drunk or illiterate to figure out what year they're currently operating in.

    rickyross and hullexile like this.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by shri:
    In third world cities like New Delhi, India, they use hand held devices to print and issue tickets, since many of the constables are too drunk or illiterate to figure out what year they're currently operating in.
    I wondered before why they hand write tickets here. They could OCR the car license, get the location from an electronic map, and print a ticket. Would take 1 Seconds.

    But I shouldn't really complain as I am usually on the receiving end.
    shri likes this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Manchester, UK

    dont pay and hope the following letter doesnt arrive

    rickyross likes this.

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