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  • 1 Post By ycchai

Port number from 3HK Sim to SoSo Sim

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Red face Port number from 3HK Sim to SoSo Sim

    Hi All,

    I am using postpaid 3HK Sim last 2 years with plan 140 HKD per month but now want to port in SoSo Sim because of cheaper data (33 HKD per month).

    Found out it is not allowed to port from 3HK to SoSo Sim because both are same company so I am thinking about first port to any other non 3HK service provider and then port again to SoSo Sim.

    Can you please suggest some non 3HK service provide which can easily allow me to port in and port out again ?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Hong Kong

    Plenty birdie, luckysim, mobile duck. Also there is a thread where there is a CWB prepaid card dealer that has a bunch of MVNO that you can port in. Just find one cheap one below to bridge in

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