Home network installation

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Home network installation


    I am looking for a contractor to install cat6 cabling and ethernet patch panels in four rooms of a midlevels apartment. I would like a fully concealed installation, so that only the network socket panels are visible in the walls.

    Has anyone had this type of work done? Am wondering:
    a) whether the cabling is usually run under the floorboards or via the ceilings?
    b) how much this should cost?
    c) contact details of anyone who does this type of job?

    Many thanks

    PS I am fully aware of powerline and the latest in wifi technology. This is not what I am looking for, thanks.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2010

    if this is part of a completely new renovation, then the cables will be under floor boards.
    if this is not part of a renovation project, you are crazy. i would run it under the base board and surface mount a portion of the wiring.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Midlevels / USA (MD) / London

    Most of the walls here are cement such that running the wires internally is a true pain. In our flat not only are the walls about 6 inches thick but the space underneath the floorboards is incredibly small (floorboards, plywood, concrete, with not much room to spare). When touring some homes under renovation prior to a move, I noticed that many of them would run electrical and other conduit directly in the cement, i.e. install at the time of the pouring or a small trench hacked into the cement (with extreme prejudice).

    You might look at something through the air conditioner ducts if you have them, but really baseboard surface mount or the corner between the wall and the ceiling might be your best and only option.

    Also check your lease--some of them have prohibitions on cutting holes in the walls for things like this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    We opted against pulling cat 6 cables during a recent renovation and went with a combo of wifi and homeplugs

    Quite happy with the setup as most of our devices are wifi enabled.

    Take a look at wifi enabled homeplugs

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by spazmax:

    I am looking for a contractor to install cat6 cabling and ethernet patch panels in four rooms of a midlevels apartment. I would like a fully concealed installation, so that only the network socket panels are visible in the walls.

    Has anyone had this type of work done? Am wondering:
    a) whether the cabling is usually run under the floorboards or via the ceilings?
    b) how much this should cost?
    c) contact details of anyone who does this type of job?

    Many thanks

    PS I am fully aware of powerline and the latest in wifi technology. This is not what I am looking for, thanks.
    Did you ever find a contractor?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Riley:
    Did you ever find a contractor?
    Yes it is indeed doable and they did a great job but I warn you it was a lot of work and not cheap! If anyone wants details feel free to PM me.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Due to the extreme short time thinking and a general 'I-give-a-fuck-about-what-comes-after-me' attitude you will find very few homes were a broad minded individual installed pipes for the wires. With pipes you can simply add or change wires.

    So if you plan to break your walls open, plant pipes, not wires under the concrete.

    PowerPlugs may work fine too. In a single level flat a few wifi repeaters should work too.