More than 50% of the global shark fin trade passes through Hong Kong....
In otherwords, Hong Kong could really make a difference...if it had the balls to do so...
What is 'cool' about eating sharks fin mechanically harvested from the oceans by industrial scale trawlers?
100 years ago it would be 'cool' to eat such a dangerously acquired delicacy. But now?
It seems about as cool as carrying a mass factory produced 'luxury' handbag.
Last edited by East_coast; 09-01-2013 at 04:54 PM.
Reminds me of a conversation with a young Japanese acquaintance. He was moaning about people criticising whaling. When one of the arguments out forward was about eating endangered animals (as well as methods used) he answered seriously "but if its going to die out, surely that's more reason to try it!".
<face palm>
seriously?!?!And yet the Hong Kong government stands by and does absolutely nothing. We called the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) and they said there was nothing they could do because the building was private property.
So why can't I operate a brothel and a marijuana grow house on my private property?
On Apple Daily, response from owner of the shark fin trading company:
Afraid its in Cantonese, so have no idea what is written. Hopefully someone here would be able to assist to provide a brief translation?
I can help. It says "what's all the fuss about? I bought these fish legally and now I'm legally trying them. Bog off".
At least, that's what I think it's likely to say.
As noted above, until we make this awful practice ILLEGAL it's hard to see how to stop it.
Making it culturally unacceptable would also work, but heck of an uphill battle for that!
In the mean time we should stop the selling of fast food that makes kids/adults obese and costing billions on the health care system and switch to something low-carb shark fin soup.