Statement from HK Indigenous
White terror in Hong Kong - how police violated rights of a HK Indigenous member.
The night before, one of our members was followed after an internal meeting in Kowloon. The following is a subjective description of the events.
The suspicious car was discovered tailing him in Tate's Cairn Tunnel. Our member thus attempted evasive measures to ditch the follower, including driving to Fanling, circling in a roundabout and stopping at a road shoulder. The 4-seater following him had four men with headphones on board. The men, upon realising they were noticed, radioed for support and another car joined.
Our member then stopped, disembarked and had a meal in Taipo. Men from the cars tailed him on foot. They were keeping so close they even followed him into a washroom. The men on his tail did not seem to give up easily. However, when he arrived at his village, the two cars stopped outside. Why?
It did not take long for him to find that his parking spot was occupied by another private car. The two guys on board admitted they were undercover cops and refused to say anything else. Then he got home and discovered two more plain clothes agents outside of his house. He questioned their presence. The duo ignored and left.
The door to the rooftop was opened and no property was lost. Our member dialled 999 for a police report and police constables came to give him a report reference number.
The next morning, he was tailed again from his home to Tsim Sha Tsui.
To sum up, the police have put four vehicles and more than ten agents on one of our members. It would be a reasonable guess that his home was broken into by the police themselves.
The authority is using the police force as a tool to suppress protestors and, to an extreme, to violate our human rights. It would not be hard to fathom how cruel and cold blooded the authority we are up against. While they are just breaking in this time, would they start planting dangerous goods or evidences in our homes next? Is the Hong Kong Government as dirty as the China Communist Party now? Could the law protect Hong Kong people's human rights?
Hong Kong Indigenous would not tolerate any harassment, suppression or violation to the rights of our members. Be warned, the authorities, you have our words.