Lots of rich people live in Hong Kong.
Lots of them also happen to be corrupt CCP types.
Just sayin.....
Just read this ...
Every January, to coincide with the World Economic Forum in Davos, Oxfam tells us how much richer the world’s richest people have got. In 2016, their report showed that the wealthiest 62 individuals owned the same amount as the bottom half of the world’s population. This year, that number had dropped to 42: three-and-half-dozen people with as much stuff as three-and-a-half billion.
Yeah, and I just read an article from this same news source how the street cleaners in HK don’t get hardly any respect and very little pay! In a city that now claims has the richest people! The government is hoarding all this money too! Yet they can’t pay the street cleaners a bit more money! Greed! Greed! Shame on HK! Shame on the HK government officials! Sickening !
I read that street cleaner article!! Just SAD. One uniform (so can't have one being washed) nowhere to change, ONE pair of cheap gloves (!) minimum wage (I honestly thought they got more, in the US sanitation workers make a pretty decent living).
Just...Wow. My part-time helper is a street cleaner on Peng Chau so now I see that the 100/hour I pay is a big deal (and 4 hours in one go for a 500 square foot flat so it's a decent gig). She is also going to take care of my cats at 200/day (the going rate) and she doesn't understand why I am paying 200 when she only gets 100 an hour for cleaning (but it's fair to pay the extra if that's the going pet-sitting rate, dealing with scooping the litter and all that). I want to be decent.
But, my goodness, I had no idea it was that horrible. Should have known better.
Some time way back I made a nice deal to terminate my tenancy because they wanted to develop the property
We had the Landlord and tenant Ordinance protection and I knew the law
Then SARS arrived and the bastards used it as an excuse to abandon the tenant protection
SARS departed but they never brought the tenant protection back
Why would that be?
Why are there so many rich people here?
Refuse to negotiate
Rather cut off landlord nose to spite face than settle for lower rent = loss of face
Another example - The greedy grabbing landlord doubled the rent of the Railway Tavern in Taiwai several years ago so they moved out after twenty odd years there - it's been empty since then
Did not know its still empty. Was there about 20+ years ago... around or before 97 may be.Another example - The greedy grabbing landlord doubled the rent of the Railway Tavern in Taiwai several years ago so they moved out after twenty odd years there - it's been empty since then
It is the bad side of capitalism, uneven distribution of wealth. The sad part is most of us can't afford houses, or shorter work hours, since the cost of living wipes out our incomes.