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Covid-10: Aug 02 - 115 Local Cases

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  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Manchester, UK

    Covid-10: Aug 02 - 115 Local Cases

    Francis Liang

    August 2- Sources indicate there are going to be approximately 110 confirmed cases that will be announced at 4:30pm.

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Manchester, UK

    Francis Liang
    Admin · 30m
    Updated at 5:08pm
    AUGUST 2ND 2020
    Today is the 12th consecutive day we have seen more than 100+ confirmed cases.
    Dr. Chuang of CHP announced as of midnight last night there were 115 newly confirmed cases in total.
    115 local cases
    79 have links to previous cases
    36 have no identifiable sources yet
    0 are imported
    As of 9:00am on August 2nd 2020
    Patients in hospital: 1107
    Patients in critical condition: 34
    Patients in serious condition: 71
    Patients discharged: 101
    Deaths: 34 people

    79 Cases have leads to previous cases:
    Family members who are close contacts and live together: 58
    58 of these cases involve family members who spent time together. This includes meals, coffee, mahjong etc. A lot of these cases were transferred to hospital directly from quarantine centers.
    Cases involve gatherings and workplaces:
    Some of these cases involve colleagues who may have gathered for a meal or colleagues who work in the same establishment.
    36 Cases have no identifiable sources

    Cases noted by Dr. Chuang:
    Doctor at Yan On Hospital:
    3425 - He stopped going to the hospital 3 days before his symptoms began.
    Direct Marketing Company on Argyle Street:
    Star Global
    7 new cases today
    On July 24th a bunch of star global staff went with some friends to Cheung Chau. 1 friend has now tested positive.
    Sheung Shui Construction Site:
    4 new cases today. There have been 8 cases in total from this cluster.
    Fu Lum Restaurant -Tuen Man Square:
    1 new case - 3475 - Patient went to the restaurant on July 16th
    Tao Heung Restaurant, Mongkok
    1 new person - 3476 - Went there on July 8th
    Kin Shing (Leung's) General Contractors Ltd.
    Their office is located on the 11th floor in Millennium City. Dr. Chuang said other tenants of the same floor have been testing positive including the janitor yesterday. She suspects environmental contamination.

    Old Age Homes:
    Kong Tai Care Home - Tuen Mun
    1 new person

    Question and Answers:
    Patient who left hospital covid+:
    Dr. Sara Ho of Hospital authority described a man who fled Tseung Kwan O Hospital yesterday evening on August 1st after he was told he was Covid positive.
    Hospital staff informed security and the police and he returned voluntarily to the same emergency room after one hour. It's alleged he took a taxi somewhere to get something.

  4. #4

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    Dec 2002

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Silver Coast

    Are Sundays traditionally lower numbers in Hong Kong? In the UK and Spain the numbers are always lower on Sunday.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong

    The HK graphs show no evidence of a weekly pattern and HK is always open on Sundays.
    This is possibly the start of some good news: while the total cases did not go down, the preliminary ones did and also the proportion of "unknown origin" seem lower than recent figures.

    But it will take a few more days for a trend to emerge, if it exists.

    Jackie1 likes this.

  7. #7

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    Jan 2010

    Now "Asia's World City" is resorting to third world style healthcare

    Health Secretary Sophia Chan says the government is planning to build a temporary hospital from scratch to complement a makeshift coronavirus facility at AsiaWorld Expo.

    The minister said six experts who are due to arrive from Wuhan shortly would help with the planning and construction of the facility, using their experience from setting up similar hospitals in the early days of the pandemic. Four of them are medics and two are construction specialists.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Faroe Islands

    Seems like no quarantine for the covid test squad from Guangdong. The irony if one of them were to have brought covid over with him/her...

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheeky Kiwi:
    Seems like no quarantine for the covid test squad from Guangdong. The irony if one of them were to have brought covid over with him/her...
    Way more tests and less infections on the mainland than in HK. Would be more ironic for any of them to catch it here.
    geryorama, Jaz Paul, shri and 6 others like this.

  10. #10

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