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18 Children abused by children care center staffers

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  1. #1

    18 Children abused by children care center staffers

    Before you reach the link you need to be aware that there are a majority of 'language centres, tuition centres and other homework centres' that don't bother with stipulating that staff get SCRCs. (Sexual Criminal Record Checks). You can't as an employee apply for them without a letter from your employer, a lot of employers don't care about making sure that their employees hold one as a condition of employment and since most employers don't reimburse the cost, most employees might not bother applying for a check. As for me, I insisted on getting one.

    Last edited by shri; 26-12-2021 at 05:03 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    This is not even related to language or home work center.

    This is the SPC ... which literally is the "Society for Protection of Children". Have visited them about 10-12 years ago.


    The three female staffers of Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children, two aged 23 and one 44, were arrested for children abuse earlier on Wednesday night.

    Reports originally mentioned that there were seven children involved in the incident, but it was understood that further police investigation found that the number drastically increased from seven to 18.

    On Friday evening, a great number of kids, accompanied by staffers of the Children's Residential Home, boarded taxis and left the care home for unknown reason.

  3. #3

    It's the same thing; lots of institutions that work with children don't hold their staff to account, it's all about getting in as much money and as many customers as possible.

  4. #4

    I read somewhere that it was caught on cctv.

    If that is the case, then the fact that the abuse took place with knowledge off cctv operating , could it be the tip of the iceberg?
    How long has this been going on for ? Was the newcomer someone knew?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Yes, I know and you and others have mentioned the roles of langauge / tutorial centers etc.. but this is not a rinky dinky business.

    It is a proper NGO that is supposed to shelter kids goes far beyond stereotypes - including the fact that the abusers were women and multiple of them - I suspect it might not be sexual but perhaps mental or physical abuse, which is a bit harder to figure out.

    Anyways .. those are my thoughts ...

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Sounds like the staff member were smacking (or similar) the very young kids.

    In a statement, the society said it had reported to the police and the Social Welfare Department after it found that staff at the Prince Edward home had allegedly “used corporal punishment” on a group of children aged between two and three last Friday.

    At the same time, I have had the same experience as the OP. There appears to be little concern for the welfare of children and when I have raised questions the reaction I get is that there isn't a problem in the city.
    shri and Coolboy like this.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by drumbrake:
    At the same time, I have had the same experience as the OP. There appears to be little concern for the welfare of children and when I have raised questions the reaction I get is that there isn't a problem in the city.
    Actually some of them know full well there is a problem but they pretend it doesn't exist or ignore it. Why? Old cultural habits die hard. The typical attitude to raising kids in HK, at least in the past for the older generation, is "spare the rod spoil the child". Those parents were beaten when they were kids, so naturally they beat their own kids. There was no concept of "child abuse", it was simply a matter to ensure unquestioning obedience. In some cases, the father was a less a "father" and more of an unyielding boss and the child is almost like a slave-like "employee". And if the child turn out to have some mental defect and illness as a result, well it was simply the child's own fault for not being strong enough, or perhaps the parents haven't beaten them hard enough when young. That's the mentality.

    It was particularly bad in the rural villages in the New Territories, in the 19th and early 20th century, it was not unheard of for children to be beaten to death and buried in some unmarked grave, a family shame and secret not to be shared to outsiders. And the early British colonial administrators often took a hands-off approach to applying the law to what they see as "domestic affairs" in these New Territories villages, preferring to the look the other way.

    In the last few decades, attitude among the younger generation in HK has slowly improved as corporal punishment is no longer seen as acceptable for an increasing number of HKers. But like I said, some old habits die hard, and there is still a fair number of HKers, both old and young, who see corporal punishment as the automatic go-to-method to disciplining children. When you tell them that is no longer acceptable conduct in modern civilized society, they will tell you not to impose your "Western beliefs on them".
    Last edited by Coolboy; 26-12-2021 at 08:23 PM.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Secretary for Labour and Welfare Law Chi-kwong says Social Welfare Department will look into the abuse case and he is said to be "angry and heartbroken". Yeah...we'll see, words are cheap and meaningful action is what matters:

    angeluscomplex likes this.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Hong Kong
    shri, chuckster007 and Coolboy like this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Manchester, UK
    Police earlier said the children, including a one-year-old kid, were all sent to the Hong Kong Children's Hospital after the staffers there poked at their eyes and slapped them.
    Hope them MOFO get the book thrown at them and never be able to work in any jobs that are related to kids. Give me an hour with them and Ill have them praying to who ever they believe to save them from me.

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