So near 300 deaths a day. Been hovering around here for a long time now.
I also double checked the inbound travel rules stating no change to 14 days but here is the ridiculous scenario that makes a mockery of current policy.
You have a negative PCR test before departure flight to HK. You conform with all other requirements including 14 days at a designated hotel, preferably one confirming refunds for positive tests. You test positive upon or afterwards in one of your many tests in QT and are carted off somewhere not nice or even less nice depending on symptoms.You test negative on day 6 and 7. You are then free to go, albeit for 7 days home QT if your accommodation is suitable.
No consistency as usual.
Cases continue to go down. We have this wave under control (if we conveniently overlook the positivity rates from RTDs and rely only the good nature of HK Citizens to support their positive RATs). Honestly they’re only fooling themselves.
(daily mail is hardly a trusted source) they are reporting a new covid variant in HK? Kong is being ravaged by a deadly new Omicron wave sweeping the city
Hundreds are dying every day with thousands dead since the middle of February
All the latest cases have been of a new mutant strain of Omicron dubbed BA2.2
It's near unique to Hong Kong but has been seen in UK, Singapore and Australia
Australia's vaccination rate and community immunity should offer protection