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HK 7s - Confirmed for Nov 4-6 (2022)

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    HK 7s - Confirmed for Nov 4-6 (2022)

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  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Crankshaft:
    Guess the gov’t decided to just keep the negative pr coming…Bad news for anyone that was delusional enough to think we might have been getting that border open in 2022…
    Last edited by natino; 30-07-2022 at 12:39 PM.
    Cheeky Kiwi likes this.

  3. #3

    One query and one comment on this year's HK Sevens:

    1. will overseas players, coaches etc want to come under the "closed loop" arrangement (even if they get exemption from all the risk of being sent to Penny's Bay)? (I'm assuming they cleared it with the IRB before making the announcement.)

    2. will the suggestion by one commentator on SCMP that the South Stand be occupied by people wearing Winnie the Pooh costumes gain traction?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by natino:
    Guess the gov’t decided to just keep the negative pr coming…Bad news for anyone that was delusional enough to think we might have been getting that border open in 2022…
    Well, yes and no.

    Agree it implies the HK Government has no intention of opening the boarders before the tournament.

    But holding large scale events like the Sevens (and pop concerts etc) makes a mockery of the idea that the relatively insignificant number of imported cases justifies any kind of quarantine.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    I see this is a bullish indicator that HK is on track to reopen in November.

    They're saying that the Sevens is going ahead in some form no matter what. They're planning for a 'closed loop', but of course they have to plan for the worst-case given that covid policies haven't changed yet.

    I'm betting on a full 0+7 style reopening by November, and I see this as a signal that HK remains on track to do that. If the news today was that the Sevens was cancelled, I'd feel less confident about my bet.

    You can't conclude from this news alone that HK will definitely reopen in November, but viewed together with other official statements and preparations (e.g. yellow code for LHS), it looks to me like that's still the plan. CX is ramping up flights starting in October, other events are planned in November including the much-vaunted banker's summit and other sports events, etc.

    Remember that even special auntie said that she'd be a bit worried if HK was still closed by the end of the year.

    Hopefully this is not all wishful thinking

  6. #6

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    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Anahan:
    I'm betting on a full 0+7 style reopening by November, and I see this as a signal that HK remains on track to do that
    What is “full” about a 0+7 reopening? It’s half arsed at best.

    And say this is the future, are we saying that the rest of us can have our lives back? No more masks outdoors, no more scanning LHS/vaccine pass, no more testing notices, no more restrictions on BBQs? I’d be so surprised if that comes in 3-4 months.

    And if not, then it’s hardly a “full” reopening is it? Just more signals that HK is no longer a global city. More incompetent delay tactics.
    Crankshaft and statman like this.

  7. #7

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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by natino:
    What is “full” about a 0+7 reopening? It’s half arsed at best.
    Yep, a poor choice of words on my part - what I meant was no quarantine. I have no idea when other restrictions (LHS, masking, testing, etc.) will be dropped.
    Mrs. Jones likes this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by traineeinvestor:
    But holding large scale events like the Sevens (and pop concerts etc) makes a mockery of the idea that the relatively insignificant number of imported cases justifies any kind of quarantine.
    But you have to remember that pop concerts from groups like Mirror are only attended by locals so are relatively safe. Arrivals from overseas are much more likely to be careless and dangerously infectious foreigners.
    saltywetman, statman and tf19 like this.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2007

    Well if you actually want to watch the games, they are part of the Commonwealth Games. If you have BBC i-Player, you should be able to watch the matches.

    Not sure if you can watch them on Sky Sports.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Anahan:
    Hopefully this is not all wishful thinking
    Unfortunately I think that’s all it is.

    Look at the amount of useless bureaucratic crap we still have to deal with when landing back in HK. There is no way they will shift from this to zero quarantine by Nov with their infamous snail paced policy changes. If we are lucky then it will be 4+3 or 0+7 or whatever BS their cannot minds can dream up.

    Also, if they had any intention of opening up by Nov then why not tell us? It would be a massive needed morale booster for the whole of HK. They don’t because they have no intention of opening up. There will be some form of quarantine come 2023.

    As far as keeping the players and staff confined to their hotel rooms and stadium as per the article - what an utter farce. I hope every team tells them to go get f****d.
    Cheeky Kiwi, natino, O_O and 5 others like this.

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