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Govt considers 0+7 quarantine

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  1. #71

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Gatts:
    As I have been saying all along, no one in HK has any decision power on this:
    Yes but your argument was focussed on the fact that HK would never relax any restrictions until China did.

    And more specifically that the result of covid breaking out in HK would be china-like imprisonment, when in fact the opposite has happened.

    Covid becoming endemic is exactly what was needed all along.

    Now I wonder who argued that corner so vociferously for the last 2 years???
    Beanieskis and Giggsy like this.

  2. #72

    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Sage:
    Yes but your argument was focussed on the fact that HK would never relax any restrictions until China did.
    Exactly what happened, only some relaxation after China gives the ok.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sage:
    And more specifically that the result of covid breaking out in HK would be china-like imprisonment, when in fact the opposite has happened.
    Eh I don't know how you would describe the past years otherwise.

  3. #73

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    For the economy, 0+7 is actually worse than 3+4. If it is 0+7, Hong Kong locals will flock to Japan, but tourists will definitely not come to HK. Under 0+7, tourists can't go to restaurants and other indoor places, why should they come to HK?

    In the end, with a large number of local people traveling abroad, the local economy of HK will suffer a lot of losses, but there will be no expected number of tourists to compensate.

    If they want to lift quarantine, make it 0+0! There is no point in imposing +7, what will the government do if a tourist tests positive during +7? Send them to quarantine facilities and not allow them to leave HK? Who would be so foolish to take such a risk to visit HK? No way, totally pointless

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Wooden:
    For the economy, 0+7 is actually worse than 3+4. If it is 0+7, Hong Kong locals will flock to Japan, but tourists will definitely not come to HK. Under 0+7, tourists can't go to restaurants and other indoor places, why should they come to HK?

    In the end, with a large number of local people traveling abroad, the local economy of HK will suffer a lot of losses, but there will be no expected number of tourists to compensate.

    If they want to lift quarantine, make it 0+0! There is no point in imposing +7, what will the government do if a tourist tests positive during +7? Send them to quarantine facilities and not allow them to leave HK? Who would be so foolish to take such a risk to visit HK? No way, totally pointless
    Very well said. You got a point.
    aw451 likes this.

  5. #75

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Gatts:
    Exactly what happened, only some relaxation after China gives the ok.

    Eh I don't know how you would describe the past years otherwise.

    Yeah, yeah Gatts yeah yeah...

    A few key commentors argued with you robustly that we needed cases to explode in HK and that the HK govt was making decisions about covid policy that were significantly different from the mainland (and continue to do so).

    Your position was/is that HK has zero input into the process and that restrictions would get way worse if cases took off.

    Both those major positions were/are badly incorrect.

    You are right that HK needs China's approval for major policy shifts - but everyone here know's and agrees with that anyway.

    Beanieskis remembers the Geo-History too. ;-)
    Beanieskis likes this.

  6. #76

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    What is 0+7? Anyone not currently in Hong Kong couldn't possibly keep up with the abstract, surreal Hong Kong covid jargon...

    Like what Wooden said, how the hell would that help the economy or tourism or former residents wishing to come back? If you don't have your own home in Hong Kong, where are you supposed to stay and eat during those 7? In a hotel quarantine?

    Mrs. Jones and bdw like this.

  7. #77

    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    You will be free to move around Hong Kong, but with no QR code pass you cannot enter high risk places ie mainly restaurants

  8. #78

    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiaque:
    What is 0+7? Anyone not currently in Hong Kong couldn't possibly keep up with the abstract, surreal Hong Kong covid jargon...

    Like what Wooden said, how the hell would that help the economy or tourism or former residents wishing to come back? If you don't have your own home in Hong Kong, where are you supposed to stay and eat during those 7? In a hotel quarantine?

    Will they arrest tourists for going to a restaurant who are quadruple jabbed have had covid and therefore pose near zero risk? That will kill off HK tourism.

    Also HK's will spend more abroad given their enforced thriftyness for +7 on return.

    The option of just stopping enforcing and don't tell Beijing no longer seems likely now they have all these tools. Although many restaurants, most wet markets and all deep blue economy places have stopped enforcing anything some time ago.
    aw451 and Mrs. Jones like this.

  9. #79

    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    The mainland isn't opening in the short term. This move will allow HK to take back its historical role as China's interface with the rest of the world.

    0+n doesn't matter so much for this use case, since business meetings are legit when you have a yellow code.

  10. #80

    Join Date
    Aug 2022
    Original Post Deleted
    no matter the formula, as tourist would you come if you risk endding up in penny bay...

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