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Rule of or by law...

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Rule of or by law...

    Going a bit off topic, but speaking of NSL, this is the guy that got arrested for "committing an act with seditious intent" for playing the harmonica outside the British consulate on Monday night during the Queens funeral.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Rule of or by law...

    It is crazy that you guys are exaggerating things beyond reality.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by redslert:
    It is crazy that you guys are exaggerating things beyond reality.
    You mean that guy was arrested hypothetically in an imaginary world for playing harmonica in lala land!!!!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bdw:
    Going a bit off topic, but speaking of NSL, this is the guy that got arrested for "committing an act with seditious intent" for playing the harmonica outside the British consulate on Monday night during the Queens funeral.
    It's worth mentioning that many of the recent arrests have been under a 1940s sedition law (unused since 1997) not the NSL. Such as the recent comic book guys, and the harmonica player.
    MABinPengChau likes this.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Lets not be ignorant that when you play a protest anthem it will naturally be associated with protest. At minimal causing public nuisance, HK still have rule of law and police is going to apply the highest charge and let the courts decide on the outcome.
    Don't all common law countries work the same way?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by redslert:
    HK still have rule of law
    Are we in the same reality?

    Please explain how somehow a pro-Beijing man who stabbed 3 man, severely injuring one with a slashed open abdomen and organs protruding was sentenced to only 45 months with a pat on the back of the judge praising his patriotism, while someone causes a grace wound to Junius Ho and gets 9 years jail with no recourse. Of course this is just one of the many many examples of the law not being equal anymore. This simply does not happen in free countries with rule of law.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    LOL you guys are pathetic.
    Of course the police is politically motivated they are the government, when you are anti-government then you must expect the government to come down on you with any law they deem suitable. Pretty much applies in any country.
    If you don’t like how the system works then leave…you still have that freedom, which is very much the original point of this thread.
    Millions are continuing normal life.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by redslert:
    LOL you guys are pathetic.
    Of course the police is politically motivated they are the government, when you are anti-government then you must expect the government to come down on you with any law they deem suitable. Pretty much applies in any country.
    You are confusing rule by law with rule of law. Rule by law is used by dictatorships all around such like in HK. This is not to be confused with rule of law which free democratic societies enjoy where the law is objectively applied equally to all.

    In contrast, Rule by Law is a concept that sees the governing authority as somehow being above the law, and has the power to create and execute law where they find it to be convenient, despite the effect it has on larger freedoms that people enjoy. To expand on this idea, rule by law is a method that governments and people in power use to shape the behavior of people, and in terms of governing a country, mass groups of people. This usually has the end goal of psychologically or forcefully persuading people to agree with policy decisions they otherwise would not agree with.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    He is also oblivious to the concept of separation of powers, whereby the executive and the legislature operate independently.

    This is literally high school stuff.

    Seriously, I keep running into this. Is it common for people to totally forget anything they learned in high school? I mean, I can understand forgetting trigonometry and calculus, but a concept like separation of powers is dead simple.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    The World
    Quote Originally Posted by bdw:
    Going a bit off topic, but speaking of NSL, this is the guy that got arrested for "committing an act with seditious intent" for playing the harmonica outside the British consulate on Monday night during the Queens funeral.
    Some of the stories claimed he was arrested for playing God Save the Queen, but I heard elsewhere it was the protest song that was the real reason.

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