My initial thinking for HK plan is this.
HKSAR government will hire a Chief AI Scientist. He should work in the Science Park or San Tin Technopole, when ready. .
All AI companies will move to Science Park or San Tin Technopole, when ready, with cheap cheap rent.
(A) The HKSAR government set up a new agency which helps all government department's integration with AI.
(B) The HKSAR government set up a new company (government owned) which helps SME companies' integration with AI.
(C) The HKSAR government set up a new company (government owned) which helps large enterprises' integration with AI.
(D) HKSAR government set up a new company (government owned) which perform match making between our AI companies and Pearl River Delta (or even Greater China) tech companies.
The agency and the government owned companies can outsource their work to other AI companies in Science Park or San TIn Technopole.
When company (A) is done with their businesses in Hong Kong, they can go out to other places to help others. Same as (B), (c), and (D).
These four new agency/companies will report to the Chief AI Scientist, whom in turn will report to Prof Sun Jun.
Laissez faire doesn't work for the Asian Four Tigers, at least not for the tech sector. Taiwan, South Korean, Singapore and Japan all have abandoned it (even if they ever had adopted it in the first place, which is doubtful)