It's not a ban, it's not a law, it's not a rule, no one will get fined. it's merely a safety campaign so stop the whining and continue doing whatever you've been doing and take a breath if someone has the gall to waste three seconds of your life by standing on the left side of the escalator
Some of us are fit and won't wait for you lard-asses with no get up and go.
Some of us are fit and won't wait for you lard-asses with no get up and go.
Take the stairs if you think of yourself as fit, it's a slacker move to get help from the escalators. Always funny to see keyboard warriors bragging about their so called accomplishment or abilities
Take the stairs if you think of yourself as fit, it's a slacker move to get help from the escalators. Always funny to see keyboard warriors bragging about their so called accomplishment or abilities
Sometimes I do.
Stay at home if you're lazy and selfish and insist on getting in other people's way.