I'm not one of those helpless folks dishing out insults or calling people names or make assertions Actually I believe you have certain skills that others don't have, like every human being, and which also got you here in your job in the first place
But a frustration vendetta instead of proactively taking action and spending much of precious time on bashing won't lead to any change, nor improvement for you
Peace and good luck, it's actually well-meant..saltiness, grudges...all unnecessary burdens on one's soul
Global Talents?
Well there are now more PHD's here than Bachelors, there was one(1) job opening in the Shanghai Agricultural university & there where 15 applicant's, all which hold a PHD. Even oversees returnees from well known Univ abroad are having a hard time finding a stable job here now, oh wait let's bring them all to HK!
Mandarin is the most popular dialect used by Chinese all over the world - including the Mainland China, Taiwan and Singapore.
Before 1997, HKer's learnt mandarin from Taiwan pop songs. After 1997 Mandarin has been included in the school curriculum.
Hence it started a long, long time ago.
Mandarin is quite popular in the UK
People seem to forget that HK was built the way like Shenzhen was built - with an immigrant population whose native tongue was neither English (during colonial times) nor Cantonese. Those who fled post-49 especially came to HK with nary a word in Canto but somehow figured out it and prospered (despite discrimination, etc.). Not saying just because these people went thru such hardships, everyone after should do the same, but at the same time, let's give more effort here (I've met plenty of mainlanders who don't give a damn about learning Canto). That said, we do have new masters in HK and as you say, they call the shots on what HK will ultimately look like, sound like, quack like, and walk like.