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  • 1 Post By redslert

Any point to getting Amazon Prime (in HK)?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Any point to getting Amazon Prime (in HK)?

    So a couple of sale items that I'm looking at have a special prime price, saving say 200USD. I know you can cancel Prime but what do people living in HK get out of Prime please? For video I have Netflix, for music Spotify. Anything that perhaps justifies a longer term membership of Prime whilst in HK please?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    I had US prime for a while ... Used it mostly for sending stuff to ShipBao etc. Over time the usage dropped and it was used mainly for video. Amazon stock has more than compensated for the subscription.

    Have an India prime subscription that I now use to send stuff to my parents place. Prime video continues to work with my VPN but let's me know that I am travelling outside by licensed zone and content is restricted... no drop in prime originals etc.

    Overall a decent savings that pays for a couple of avocado toasts.

    I have kept my kindle unlimited in the US.

    I did get offered a free 3 month subscription for US prime a few days ago.. but not going down that rabbit hole.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Never have issue buying more than the free shipping threshold so prime is not attractive.

    traineeinvestor likes this.

  4. #4

    Anyone seen the 'Buy Now' documentary on netflix?