If you're earning USD$250k + benefits you can live well anywhere, period. If you can't make it work with that income you don't know how to live!
Baltimore? Seriously? Along with New Orleans around 600 murders per year in a combined population of less than 1M. I know both places have their charms but pretty questionable methodology IMHO... and Cape town, looks beautiful(on my list), but a city of 4.7M with 3,000 murders, that's 8 per day, yikes!
Last edited by Cornmeal; 04-12-2024 at 06:54 PM.
Singapore at #5 is lauded for its dynamic retail landscape… it’s the same shit as HK and more expensive thanks to sales tax.
Also their high gdp per capita (incidentally do they include the migrant workers when calculating GDP per capita?)
As a former London resident I can only laugh at its number 1 ranking. Low salaries, high taxes, unsafe.
Why everyone saying London is unsafe? The city surely sucks ass in many ways, but it’s fairly safe, in European terms, of course
Rochester, NY ahead of Hong Kong?! Quite an affront to Asia's World City(™)©.
That said I'm currently searching flights to Taipei. The cheapest option was Cathay via HKG. I passed. I can take a direct flight on a Taiwan-based carrier but I'm willing to fly two legs on a shitty, U.S.-based carrier because the Chinese are less likely to shoot a United Airlines plane out of the air vs. EVA or China Airlines.
Fabulous US cities WAY ahead of Hong Kong on this list:
Cleveland (Motto: "At least we're not Detroit" - see video below)
St. Louis
Well, OK then...
Videos made around the time that I (briefly) lived in a Cleveland suburb and pretty accurate. Makes London look sunny and tropical, just sayin'...
Last edited by MABinPengChau; 05-12-2024 at 02:02 AM.