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Ultra-processed Foods Guidelines and Warnings in Hong Kong

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  1. #21

    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    100%! I totally agree with you.

    I have done my extensive research on eating healthy and what is actually the worst to consume for our bodies.

    Honestly, we all can agree that sugar is the worst of the worse to consume. Processed (refined) carbs are also the worst and chemical ingredients...

    Yes, we obviously can consume a limited of sugar and refined carbs, but it all depends on your daily activity level, health condition, and your overall eating habit.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Most to all cheap restaurants have the most worst and chemical food ingredients... Makes sense though... you pay for the low meal, so you will also get the lowest quality of the food.

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Mainland China
    Quote Originally Posted by muzzdang:
    I agree with the above, its not rocket science.

    Problem with the Hong Kong working culture, limited living space (much less a kitchen), eating out for a quick lunch or dinner (which is often not the healthiest) is the viable choice

    Many HKer need the carb (rice, noodles), so spending $80-$100 on a healthy salad seems preposterous (I think so too!)

    That is exactly where the issue is - heavy processed carbs, cooked with unhealthy seed oil, less than freshest ingredients

    And on weekends, they go out and splurge on more unhealthy food and cakes, heavy sugar again
    Yup, almost all bakery are ultra processed carbs with refine cooking oils... Bread is super unhealthy but is listed in many government food guidelines lol (no, I didn't check the latest HK gov food guidelines).

    Stick to whole food like meat, eggs, veggies, etc.

    and I admit, I do not eat clean 100% of the time but I feel guilty every time I eat my fast food... lately, I am going with eggs and a little bit of yam using streamer for my 11am first meal.
    muzzdang likes this.

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by mmbiker:
    Yup, almost all bakery are ultra processed carbs with refine cooking oils... Bread is super unhealthy
    That's a massive overgeneralisation. Sure the white fluffy stuff that sits for weeks on supermarket shelves is really bad, but that really shouldn't be called bread.

    The wholemeal loaves that my mother used to make at home from wholemeal flour (that she got direct from the mill), water and yeast were not unhealthy.

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by PLamHK:
    That's a massive overgeneralisation. Sure the white fluffy stuff that sits for weeks on supermarket shelves is really bad, but that really shouldn't be called bread.

    The wholemeal loaves that my mother used to make at home from wholemeal flour (that she got direct from the mill), water and yeast were not unhealthy.
    Sourdough is the way to go
    periphery831 likes this.

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by muzzdang:
    Sourdough is the way to go
    Another massive over generalisation
    newhkpr likes this.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Chekki:
    Most to all cheap restaurants have the most worst and chemical food ingredients... Makes sense though... you pay for the low meal, so you will also get the lowest quality of the food.
    Cheap and expensive restaurants are equally bad for your health. The main difference in an expensive restaurant is that your food has been on a luxury cruise and your chef lives in a bigger house than you do.

    You can't beat good genes. Everything else is is tiny in comparison.

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    I agree with a lot of what Dr Chris Van Tullican says in the podcast, however the headline in the podcast is quite misleading and plays on fear-mongering. I have watched quite a few of his podcasts.

    It’s near impossible to cut out UPF’s unless you try and do so by choice or you’re a hunter/gatherer.

    If you have iPlayer, you can also watch (there might be a copy of this on YouTube):-

    Does he follow the principles that he preaches? Well it appears he consumes 30% UPF’s

    Although reducing consumption of UPF would be ideal, not everyone is able or willing to do this.

    Is a Pizza good for you? Is it food? I eat pizza maybe once every 2-3 months. There’s nothing wrong with eating pizza in moderation. However, if I eat pizza everyday, I know that it’s not going to be healthy.

    How the U.K’s diet has changed?

    Why we might never know the truth about UPF’s?

    UPF’s: What does the evidence say?

    Meanwhile, on the other side of the fence, a US dietician conducted a similar experiment with American UPF’s and felt she had more energy and less anxiety; totally the opposite of how Dr Chis Van Tullekan felt:-

    Everyone is different. We lead different lifestyles, have different body metabolisms.

    If you have time and money, you have more choices. What you decide to do is totally up to you..

    I love that Steven Bartlett unashamedly plugs HUEL in the middle of the video, where he’s a Non Executive Director, but he doesn’t declare this. How processed is HUEL? Are supplements good for you….that’s another topic….

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by ArrynField:
    I agree with a lot of what Dr Chris Van Tullican says in the podcast, however the headline in the podcast is quite misleading and plays on fear-mongering. I have watched quite a few of his podcasts.

    It’s near impossible to cut out UPF’s unless you try and do so by choice or you’re a hunter/gatherer.

    If you have iPlayer, you can also watch (there might be a copy of this on YouTube):-

    Does he follow the principles that he preaches? Well it appears he consumes 30% UPF’s

    Although reducing consumption of UPF would be ideal, not everyone is able or willing to do this.

    Is a Pizza good for you? Is it food? I eat pizza maybe once every 2-3 months. There’s nothing wrong with eating pizza in moderation. However, if I eat pizza everyday, I know that it’s not going to be healthy.

    How the U.K’s diet has changed?

    Why we might never know the truth about UPF’s?

    UPF’s: What does the evidence say?

    Meanwhile, on the other side of the fence, a US dietician conducted a similar experiment with American UPF’s and felt she had more energy and less anxiety; totally the opposite of how Dr Chis Van Tullekan felt:-

    Everyone is different. We lead different lifestyles, have different body metabolisms.

    If you have time and money, you have more choices. What you decide to do is totally up to you..

    I love that Steven Bartlett unashamedly plugs HUEL in the middle of the video, where he’s a Non Executive Director, but he doesn’t declare this. How processed is HUEL? Are supplements good for you….that’s another topic….

    Headlines are to grab attention, if you haven't worked out yet that they are often sensationalist and misleading then time to start paying attention.

    So it's near impossible to cut out UPF's unless you try??? Errrr ok! But yes, that's the whole point of Chris appearing on the podcast:

    1) To get people to 'try' to reduce their consumption.
    2) To put legislative pressure on the food industry.

    You keep making very basic category errors in your posts that suggest you're not really qualified to comment on this topic.

    "Is pizza food? Nothing wrong with eating pizza in moderation"

    We're talking about UPF (The F stands for food) - Pizza can be UPF or it can be homemade from whole ingredients; or it can be a variety of 'semi-processed' states in between.

    Your black/white "nothing wrong", "moderation" comments are flailing around in the dark.

    Most pizza that is consumed in the developed world is sub-optimal as a food from a heath perspective and thus, yes, on average there is something 'wrong' with eating it; It's sub-optimal, period.

    Trying to deny these simple truth's is foolish.

    I eat pizza too on occasion, in the full knowledge that there are better choices from a health perspective, I don't try to fool myself (or anyone else) that there is a moderate amount of pizza that is optimal and that only if I reach the level that Fat Gary next door eats, will it become a sub-optimal choice.

    People who work out a lot or are generally very active generally understand the trade-offs better then those that don't. They also, by the nature of their heightened activity levels, tend have a much better understanding of how to make better nutrition choices whilst simultaneously having more robust bodies that are better equipped to handle a wider variety of food. i.e. They can put more 'sub-optimal' food in and suffer less long term negative consequences from it.

    So as I have written before, exercise is the cornerstone of good nutrition.

    As for Steve Bartlett, his podcasts are a business and his business is about making money as essentially every business is. I have never tried Huel and never will, it's irrelevant to this thread - If you watched the podcast and listened to Bartlett rather than Chris then you truely were wasting your time, he is simply the mirror in which the less clued-up general public is reflected.

    As for Chris practicing what he preaches - Didn't you just write that it was near impossible to cut out UPF unless one try's??? ......And on that pearl of wisdom, it must surely be time for bed.
    Last edited by Zelensky2; 07-01-2025 at 02:46 AM.

  10. #30

    We should listen to our bodies. If you feel bad after eating then your body is trying to tell you something. Pizza is the worst for me. It's the western equivalent of a hot pot.

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