Originally Posted by ArrynField:
I agree with a lot of what Dr Chris Van Tullican says in the podcast, however the headline in the podcast is quite misleading and plays on fear-mongering. I have watched quite a few of his podcasts.
It’s near impossible to cut out UPF’s unless you try and do so by choice or you’re a hunter/gatherer.
If you have iPlayer, you can also watch (there might be a copy of this on YouTube):-
Does he follow the principles that he preaches? Well it appears he consumes 30% UPF’s
Although reducing consumption of UPF would be ideal, not everyone is able or willing to do this.
Is a Pizza good for you? Is it food? I eat pizza maybe once every 2-3 months. There’s nothing wrong with eating pizza in moderation. However, if I eat pizza everyday, I know that it’s not going to be healthy.
How the U.K’s diet has changed?
Why we might never know the truth about UPF’s?
UPF’s: What does the evidence say?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the fence, a US dietician conducted a similar experiment with American UPF’s and felt she had more energy and less anxiety; totally the opposite of how Dr Chis Van Tullekan felt:-
Everyone is different. We lead different lifestyles, have different body metabolisms.
If you have time and money, you have more choices. What you decide to do is totally up to you..
I love that Steven Bartlett unashamedly plugs HUEL in the middle of the video, where he’s a Non Executive Director, but he doesn’t declare this. How processed is HUEL? Are supplements good for you….that’s another topic….