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Another one bites the dust!

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Ex Sai Kunger Sunny Qld for now

    Another one bites the dust!

    Sad to hear that, Tim's, Butcher King, in Sai Kung, a fave deli and specialty food importer closed yesterday, after being in business for 30ish years.

    Tim's reason for closing, that, 70% of his regular or typical foreign clientele, had left Hong Kong, which I suppose we were once regulars too, for 20 ish years popping in during our weekly grocery shop. So, his and any other shop that specialised in milking the gweilo, are all hitting the wall. I think only Cyrille is the last man standing with his speciality French Deli, another fave of mine under his past iterations.

    Pretty dire and unfortunate that what's happening in Sai Kung, is likely happening around the whole of The Fragrant Harbour.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2007

    I wouldn't say he milked the gweilos particularly. Where else could you find food ranging from fresh herbs to black pudding to mascarpone to Curly-Wurlys without paying City-Super prices?

    He lost the meat business when people became aware of the wholesale frozen meats shops further down, offering much cheaper prices.

    I shall miss the big tubs of mascarpone at $80.

    He may be working next door at the Deli-type place.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Curly wurlies are still around?!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Ex Sai Kunger Sunny Qld for now
    Quote Originally Posted by bsh:
    I wouldn't say he milked the gweilos particularly. Where else could you find food ranging from fresh herbs to black pudding to mascarpone to Curly-Wurlys without paying City-Super prices?

    He lost the meat business when people became aware of the wholesale frozen meats shops further down, offering much cheaper prices.

    I shall miss the big tubs of mascarpone at $80.

    He may be working next door at the Deli-type place.
    I think it was mentioned in media quite a while back that Sai Kung, was the most expensive place in Hong Kong, to grocery shop.
    I always liked having a chat with Tim, he was usually fairly priced and agree, that we like everybody else, were very selective as to what we purchased in his shop. I never bought meat or poultry from him, as I had much better alternatives elsewhere. Plus, I have family in, Yuen Long, so, did most of my fresh meat, fruit and veg shopping in and around, Wang Fat Path, Yuen Long.
    newhkpr likes this.

  5. #5

    What a shame about Tim's closing down. It's a real sign of the times in Hong Kong. Those specialty food shops were such a lifeline for expats, and now with so many people leaving, it's hitting small businesses hard.

    Skyhook and newhkpr like this.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    Yes ….along with shrink-flation

    Quote Originally Posted by chobochobo:
    Curly wurlies are still around?!