Completely missed the trial? When is sentencing?
Nice try, but no need to wonder the realm of fantasy. I am always happy to correct non-factual statements, something you seem particularly prone to.
Hang on, you stated:
As evidenced, this is not at all what happened among his fans. Can you be a man and admit this statement was indeed absolutely false?
Case in point:
Driessen’s third group is composed of people who more decisively and publicly step away from the artist and their fandom. “I think this is what you currently see with [Gaiman’s] case at the moment. [Fans] who publicly really condemn what is happening, and who just discontinue their fandom, and who step back. They will say, ‘I believe in what these victims have shared, and we will side with those victims. And to us, that’s more important than anything else.’”On Tuesday, the day after the New York Magazine article was published, nineteendoors started a thread on r/NeilGaiman for people who want to get rid of their Gaiman books, helping them connect with people who are looking to add to their Gaiman collection, perhaps without spending money that would go to the author. “Some people are burning [their Gaiman books],” says nineteendoors. “That’s their choice. I don’t feel comfortable doing that, but I am deeply disappointed, and I don’t think that I can engage with his work in the same way again anytime soon, if ever.” book-selling thread is one more venue where fans with varying responses to the allegations are engaging with each other about how to properly express their current feelings. Still, as is always the case on Reddit, one response literally rises to the top: “I will ‘trade’ my collection (novels, special editions, original individual comic book run, other NG comics) to anyone who can show me their donation to RAINN,” reads the most-upvoted comment on that thread as of this writing. It centers the United States’ largest anti-sexual violence organization in the deal. “It’s the least I can do,” writes the fan.
So waiting on a retraction of your initial statement on Gaiman's fans. @FrancisX
Paging @FrancisX ? You seem to be active today on the forum, but somehow doesn't dare to answer here. Geez, one wonders why.
You made statements that were demonstrably proven false, based on an onslaught of countless articles, forums, testimonials and petitions by fans I provided for you, proving you were a victim of misinformation yet again. Your response is "yawn". I had hoped for an sign of actual intelligence, but I should know better. A better man would offer an apology or retraction.