Anyone else have problems with the page layout here?
I'm intermittently getting the display showing as atttached in the 2 screenshots.
My computer or a server side problem?
I've tried 3 different browsers with the same result
Anyone else have problems with the page layout here?
I'm intermittently getting the display showing as atttached in the 2 screenshots.
My computer or a server side problem?
I've tried 3 different browsers with the same result
Loiks likr a problem from last week. Will havd ist looked Patel tomorrow. Nyone elise havd this problen?
I have been having the same problem as the OP for the last few days - although on my work computer the display is fine; at home it's very slow to load and I get the image like on the left in the opening post.
I also am having the problems mentioned here. Always not display the page properly when I tried to make a post or read here.
If the page/text loads but the images don't then something is stalling. Does it still happen if you force a refresh on the page?
When it does stall waiting for the images, what does your browser's status bar say? Ex: It should display at the bottom with "Waiting for... (URL)" / "Transferring data from... (URL)".
Thanks. Looks like you're posting from the UK? Can you let me know if you are actually able to download the following files (same file, different location):