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What am I guilty of?

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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by hullexile:
    It is still everybody else's fault, absolutely nothing to do with you. I am trying to be constructive, really I am. It is frustrating because it would be easy to fix but for years you have refused to do anything.

    Answer me this simple question. Why do you think it is always you that seems to have this problem?
    Because the mod refuses to see reason. Its clear my thread was fine. But then the troll came and along and my thread ended up close? But of course, everything is my fault right? Its just fine for trolls to mess up someone's threads, right? All the trolls are right, right? If only the mod can just police the trolls, is that simple. But he refuses to do it.
    You said yourself, I do have a point here. People judge others on geoexpat not for what they say but for they are. That is the problem.

    Am I perfect? No. But I can at least admit as much. Would DeletedUser admit that? Hell no. That's the difference. I can acknowledge my mistakes. The usual suspects can't.
    Last edited by Coolboy; 14-08-2021 at 07:06 PM.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Coolboy:
    And you come across as ignorant to what's going in geoexpat. There wouldn't be "why" if it weren't for the mod ignoring the trolls and the usual suspects on here. I'm not going to change. So just deal with it. The solution as I said is simple, make the mod get rid of the trolls. But he refuses. So why does he refuse to get rid of the trolls? That should be the question you are asking.
    But why, why, why?

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcdavid:
    But why, why, why?
    Ask the mod why he doesn't do anything about the trolls. Don't ask me.

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Coolboy:
    My question thread got closed before I had the chance to respond. So tell me then, what exactly am I guilty of? Let's get this clear up once and for all. I don't want to keep complaining either, but I never get an answer. Why is it ok for trolls to mess up my threads without consequences? My thread was perfectly fine. It was inoffensive. But apparently the mod think its fine for trolls to just mess it up? Why is that? Closed my thread down instead of banning the trolls? Why? Why the double standard? I just want answer.
    You asked pretty much exactly the same question about 2 months ago, people weighed in with the usual mix of jaded sarcasm and helpful feedback, you totally ignored the useful feedback like every other time you've asked this question over the past decade+.

    If you never change your behaviour, if you keep doing exactly the same thing, if you keep reacting in exactly the same way, how do you possibly expect the outcomes to be different? Some kinda magic?

    If the person that keeps getting banned multiple times over the years, and has to keep creating a series of new usernames is you, then the trolls are not somehow 'everyone else.'

    Any normally balanced adult shouldn't need to ask the question in the OP more than once... how many times have you created essentially the same thread over the years?
    Edwardstorm, Sage and bdw like this.

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by hullexile:
    It is still everybody else's fault, absolutely nothing to do with you. I am trying to be constructive, really I am. It is frustrating because it would be easy to fix but for years you have refused to do anything.

    Answer me this simple question. Why do you think it is always you that seems to have this problem?
    I used to teach a kid named Andrew. Always in trouble. Always playing the victim. One day I pulled him aside and said, "Andrew, its always you and Sally or you and David or you and Roger. What's the common thing here?” (I wanted to say 'denominator" but knew he wouldn't understand that word.)

    He got it. And he was seven or eight or nine years old. But this grown man can't figure it out. Remarkable.

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Coolboy:
    Ask the mod why he doesn't do anything about the trolls. Don't ask me.
    But why, why why?

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcdavid:

    He got it. And he was seven or eight or nine years old. But this grown man can't figure it out. Remarkable.
    Good job making up ficitious scenarios. Well, what's remarkable is you can't see reason. I can. At least some here can see it. You can't. That says more about you than me.

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    So what exactly am I wrong here:

    1. Someone troll my thread.

    2. I ignore it.

    3. He keeps trolling. I tell the mod to delete his posts. The mod ignores it.

    4. So I decided to give him a piece of my mind.

    5. And my thread ends up close.

    So what is exactly so wrong there?

    The solution I said is simple all along, for the mod to delete the trolls. But he refuses. So here we are. If he delete the trolls we wouldn't be having this conversation. Remarkable how something so simple can be done yet someone just refuse to do it.

    I was minding my own business. But apparently its ok for just anyone to troll me here out of the blue. I bet if some of you complain to the mod about someone trolling you, the mod will delete it instantly. All I am asking for is a little fairness.

    Last edited by Coolboy; 14-08-2021 at 07:24 PM.

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by jgl:
    You asked pretty much exactly the same question about 2 months ago, people weighed in with the usual mix of jaded sarcasm and helpful feedback, you totally ignored the useful feedback like every other time you've asked this question over the past decade+.

    If you never change your behaviour, if you keep doing exactly the same thing, if you keep reacting in exactly the same way, how do you possibly expect the outcomes to be different? Some kinda magic?

    If the person that keeps getting banned multiple times over the years, and has to keep creating a series of new usernames is you, then the trolls are not somehow 'everyone else.'

    Any normally balanced adult shouldn't need to ask the question in the OP more than once... how many times have you created essentially the same thread over the years?
    Don't try to pretend you are any better. You were trolling my threads and trying so hard to make every poster hate me. But hey, guess what, you failed. Because, believe it or not, I post some good threads on here. Not that you will understand it.

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Original Post Deleted
    Speak of yourself. You attack anyone just for the hell of it. The mod looks the other way I know for your transgression. But who have I been trolling lately? Just who? Tell me. You can't, can you? I've been minding my own business. But apparently now I am the troll?! Yup, you can't see reason, can you?

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