So what exactly am I wrong here:
1. Someone troll my thread.
2. I ignore it.
3. He keeps trolling. I tell the mod to delete his posts. The mod ignores it.
4. So I decided to give him a piece of my mind.
5. And my thread ends up close.
So what is exactly so wrong there?
The solution I said is simple all along, for the mod to delete the trolls. But he refuses. So here we are. If he delete the trolls we wouldn't be having this conversation. Remarkable how something so simple can be done yet someone just refuse to do it.
I was minding my own business. But apparently its ok for just anyone to troll me here out of the blue. I bet if some of you complain to the mod about someone trolling you, the mod will delete it instantly. All I am asking for is a little fairness.