Need Japanese part time help

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Need Japanese help...

    We need help with a Japanese website.

    You MUST be someone who has lived / worked / has close contact with Japan and legal to work in Hong Kong.

    Drop us a line if you or someone you know is interested in doing a few hours work for us on the net.

    Skills required: Must be familiar with the internet, online shopping, must be able to read AND TYPE japanese proficiently.

  2. #2

    I am interested in your job.

    Quote Originally Posted by shri:
    We need help with a Japanese website.

    You MUST be someone who has lived / worked / has close contact with Japan and legal to work in Hong Kong.

    Drop us a line if you or someone you know is interested in doing a few hours work for us on the net.

    Skills required: Must be familiar with the internet, online shopping, must be able to read AND TYPE japanese proficiently.
    I am a Japanese woman who have a parmanent ID in Hong Kong.
    I had made a web-site before.Now I am a house wife, so every daytime is free. If you are interested in me, could you please contact me.

  3. #3
    Hi Shri,

    I have lived in Japan for several years and now working in HK. Please email me if you still need help.