Hello geoexpats,

This is my first time here and i am in a bit of an emergency and would appreciate any help!

I am in England,have been living here for about 10 years or so.Before that i was living in HK with my parents. My parents came to visit me recently.We all have HKIDs and EU passports.My mom suffered from a stroke and is lying in a hospital here. Given the pandemic we cannot visit her at all.

If worse comes to worse and she does not remember us (me and my father),we need to be able to access her accounts in HK to pay bills/etc.

How would we go about doing this?

I have briefly read about powers of attorney,especially enduring powers of attorney from websites such as:


But it seems to me that my mom would have to be cognitively capable for such a document to be prepared a law firm??

What happens in the horrible case where my mom does not even remember who we are any more?

What are the legal avenues we have to pursue to access my mom's bank/other accounts in hong kong?

Can we do this from England? What if she cannot fly back to Hong Kong?

Any information or pointers,any suggestions of other online forums,would be greatly appreciated

Stay safe everyone!