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Hong Kong Fiscal Deficit - what to do?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Hong Kong Fiscal Deficit - what to do?

    the fiscal reserve is shrinking. What options are there?

    (A) Lower expenditures
    (B) raise stamp duties
    (C) raise profit tax
    (D) lessen personal / married couples' allowances
    (E) raise salary tax
    (F) issue more bonds
    (G) sell more lands
    (H) borrow directly from the Central People's Government
    (I) none of the above ; please specify

    Last edited by nivek2046; 04-05-2023 at 01:22 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    I. Now that COVID is over we should return to a surplus as long as we stop handing out consumption vouchers and other pointless measures. And cancel Lantau Tomorrow.

    traineeinvestor likes this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Hong Kong

    Stop building white elephants.

    Looking at you Lantau tomorrow.

    traineeinvestor likes this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    (l) Who is this question pitched at?

    In an executive-led government, if you’re a “policymaker”, surely your options are a) salute the flag b) loudly congratulate whatever proposals are made or c) make a show of actually mattering.

    If you’re not connected with policymaking, I fail to see how the options now are anything other than a) shut up and deal with whatever is dealt to you; or b) leave

    Hard to see how anything other than that is delusional, and if we are in the realm of fantasyland, may as well talk about what you would do if you win the lottery.

    If we were playing a dictator sim, I’d say from past experience b to e is most likely, with c and e less likely if wanting to still be attractive to capital and talent in baseline scenarios (with the tail already continuing to recognise more negative skew). I reckon f is also a possibility.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by AsianXpat0:
    (l) Who is this question pitched at?

    In an executive-led government, if you’re a “policymaker”, surely your options are a) salute the flag b) loudly congratulate whatever proposals are made or c) make a show of actually mattering.

    If you’re not connected with policymaking, I fail to see how the options now are anything other than a) shut up and deal with whatever is dealt to you; or b) leave

    Hard to see how anything other than that is delusional, and if we are in the realm of fantasyland, may as well talk about what you would do if you win the lottery.

    If we were playing a dictator sim, I’d say from past experience b to e is most likely, with c and e less likely if wanting to still be attractive to capital and talent in baseline scenarios (with the tail already continuing to recognise more negative skew). I reckon f is also a possibility.

    Your first incoherent post, congratulations..

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2021

    Fiscal deficit is by design, reserve depletion is by design, bond issuance is by design.. Enjoy the voucher and dont give them ideas..

    shri and spode like this.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Life is so much better when everything is a design feature and there are no bugs ...

    tf19, aw451 and spode like this.

  8. #8

    Also, not sure how long they will have enough ammo to keep defending the peg with the USD?

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by becomjapanHK:
    Also, not sure how long they will have enough ammo to keep defending the peg with the USD?
    And there we go again , peg will be defended as long as HK/China wants to..
    traineeinvestor likes this.

  10. #10

    Good point......though wonder how they will facilitate the increase in the fund and/or how that will be communicated.

    10% of the 'current' fund was used last night alone to continue the defence.

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