how to sign a Power of Attorney in Hong Kong for Canada

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    how to sign a Power of Attorney in Hong Kong for Canada

    i need to sign a Power of Attorney to grant a relative of mine to handle something on my behalf for a matter in Canada.

    How do I do this?

    (A) sign it at Home Affairs Department (Hong Kong) and then have it authenticated at the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong?

    (B) sign it before a Notary Public (Hong Kong) and then have it authenticated at the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong?

    (C) None of the above. Please specify

    Which is the cheapest way? Thanks.

    Last edited by nivek2046; 11-01-2025 at 04:07 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    These sort of services were quite popular during COVID ...

    Not a recommendation but I suspect there are quite a few similar ones and some should even specialise in HK / CA issues ..

    Have not used this .. bad shit can happen if you don't do your own research.. just saying. This one seems to work in Ontario.. might not work for whatever you need

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    Each state might have different requirements. Find a Canadian Law firm. Check to see what's required.

    I don't know any. A good place to start would be:-

    Once you have found a lawyer, tell them what you want to do. Make sure you use the correct type of PoA. They will inform you of what’s required and the costs. They will send you their instruction letter. They will also require to verify your friend’s ID & Address proof, sign PoA etc

    They will need your ID and address to be witnessed etc. Check what verification requirements they require and who can witness.

    Thereafter, they'll prepare a PoA for you to sign. This might be with a Solicitor or Notary Public at a solicitor’s firm in Hong Kong, Canadian Embassy, or other acceptable place.

    Notary Public - Hong Kong

    Last edited by ArrynField; 11-01-2025 at 05:02 PM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Taiwan and HK

    So the Canadian consulate doesn't notarize documents? Wow. I thought the US consulate was bad, charging 75 USD or so for each notarization. When I needed witnesses, two random people waiting helped out, super common.

    Mercifully, most states I needed this for (real estate transactions) take online notarization, easier, cheaper. Virginia was the first state to make this sensible move.

    Check if your province accepts this, it's a great system, have used it many times since a trip to the consulate is always annoying and time-consuming.

    Hong Kong notarization at a law firm is on the expensive side so to be avoided if possible.