Exchanging USD bills for new ones?

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Exchanging USD bills for new ones?

    I have a couple of $100 bills that banks won’t exchange on the mainland because they have a microscopic tear or a marker stain.
    They have no problem with giving you RMB that looks like it had been used as TP, of course...

    Does this happen in HK?
    Even if it doesn’t, I’m not really looking to exchange them for RMB or HKD, just want to get decent replacements without stains of tears.
    Any idea if some bank might do that?

    Thank you,

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    If you are a good customer of a HK bank then it wouldn't be a problem. Otherwise I'm not sure.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    If you have a USD account with any bank, just deposit them into the account and then withdraw them again a few days later. But this time, put in a request for new condition bills because you are afraid that a money changer won't accept them.

    I found BOC was very picky with foreign currency notes (won't take notes that are ripped or have writing on them) while HSBC accepted bills in pretty bad condition and from older series too.

  4. #4

    thanks for posting, turns out just a simple corner exchange kiosk took them!
    gotta love hk...