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Do NOT Teach English in China and Why EVERYONE Should Read This

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  1. #1

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    Sin bin

    Exclamation Do NOT Teach English in China and Why EVERYONE Should Read This

    ChinaLawBlog: Do NOT Teach English in China and Why EVERYONE Should Read This
    By Dan Harris on June 19, 2019

    I have reached the conclusion that the best thing an English teacher can to do protect themselves from the sorts of things mentioned above is not to take a teaching job in China in the first place. Go elsewhere. And if you are teaching in China now, leave now or just resign yourself to your fate.
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  2. #2

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    That blog seems to be a stream of anti China pieces so I am not sure I believe a lot of it. I don't know anyone who has taught English in China so it might all be true.

  3. #3

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    Sin bin

    A blog concentrating on issues of law in the PRC... anti-China or simply generally critical of Communist Party's (who are the law in China) policies?

    Anyway, thanks for the warning, hullexile.

  4. #4

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    Aug 2014

    I don't mean to be critical... but there's a vast difference between working as a teacher in an international school and being a 'TEFL teacher'.

    Become well-qualified and work for a reputable employer and you'll be fine in most places. Go to a random tier three city working for English First or Uncle Cheung's English shack and your milage might vary.

    I have a friend who's working in Shanghai at the moment and having a whale of a time. The job is a little stressful, but he is very well rewarded for it.

    hullexile is right too. That site just seems like a forum for anti-China rhetoric.

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  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by hullexile:
    That blog seems to be a stream of anti China pieces so I am not sure I believe a lot of it. I don't know anyone who has taught English in China so it might all be true.
    Dan Harris is a pretty well known expert on China law. His anti-China posts come mainly from China giving a shit about laws.

    PS: I never understood that "you are just trying to bash China" argument, China is literally as shit and fucked up as most people are claiming.

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrgoodkat:
    Dan Harris is a pretty well known expert on China law. His anti-China posts come mainly from China giving a shit about laws.

    PS: I never understood that "you are just trying to bash China" argument, China is literally as shit and fucked up as most people are claiming.
    What I don't understand is that his blog is aimed at advising people who want todo business in China about the laws there. However his blog posts seem to be about "don't have anything to do with China". How does he make money?

    Of course anyone can bash China, plenty to bash, I just think those people should not be portrayed as neutral and objective. People wouldn't quote FOX on the Democrats as being objective nor the Daily Mail on Labour.
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  7. #7

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    I don't think he bashes China, nothing he writes is wrong or even exaggerated. I think his blog is more aimed at the average guy to not fuck around in China and get into trouble no lawyer can help you out of. I'm sure his paying clients aren't the blog reading type.

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrgoodkat:
    I don't think he bashes China, nothing he writes is wrong or even exaggerated. I think his blog is more aimed at the average guy to not fuck around in China and get into trouble no lawyer can help you out of. I'm sure his paying clients aren't the blog reading type.
    I wouldn't believe any blog is never wrong or even exaggerated even those written by friends.
    Coolboy likes this.

  9. #9

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    Jan 2013

    LOL. China has it's warts and all but it's not the end of the world. Also what you think of it from 10 years ago isn't the China now either. It changes so quickly though of course some things have not changed.

    Coolboy and Skyhook like this.

  10. #10

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    Jan 2010

    Lipstick and pigs and so on

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