If you are a fisherman, you should know how to swim very, very well. When I trained to become a lifeguard, one of the many activities they had us do was jump in the deep end of the pool, fully clothed in jeans (which drag you down a LOT when wet) sneakers, sweatshirt, flannel shirt, etc. Off the high diving board (like falling off a boat). Then how to get out of your clothes (which tends to be a better idea, at least the jeans and sneakers) use them for a flotation device (this part, not all that successful, but can be done with some effort) and tread water for at least a half hour. My parents were big proponents of water safety, we lived on a lake and maybe a mile from the Great South Bay (then Fire Island and the ocean). They figured we were surrounded by water, let's get them really good at NOT dying when falling off a boat, etc. You would be surprised at how many fisherman do NOT know how to swim...