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Labrador/Retriever Puppy

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Tuen Mun

    Labrador/Retriever Puppy

    My wife and boys want a puppy.

    Please don't tell me how nasty it is for dogs in HK, I agree.

    Please don't tell me to pick up a rescue dog, I agree.

    My wife specifically wants a puppy.

    Any reputable breeders?

    Even better, is it possible to get a rescue lab/ret puppy?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Does your wife understand that puppies don't stay puppies for very long?

    What will she want then? That you dump it on HKDR or through it out of your car on the expressway?

    And will you still have a complete absence of balls then too?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Pearl of the Orient

    PDLM you really are a sad little old man, aren't you.

    bryant.english, luckycat and elle like this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Tuen Mun
    Quote Originally Posted by PDLM:
    Does your wife understand that puppies don't stay puppies for very long?

    What will she want then? That you dump it on HKDR or through it out of your car on the expressway?

    And will you still have a complete absence of balls then too?
    1.) I think so, I think the idea is that the dog grows up with the kids.
    2.) If she wants rid later, well her Mum is a very traditional Chinese and I believe she has enjoyed dog before.
    3.) More than likely.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Discovery Bay
    Quote Originally Posted by bryant.english:
    ...Even better, is it possible to get a rescue lab/ret puppy?
    It is possible, provided they have them. Best to speak with either SPCA or HKDR (not aware of other rescue centres, I'm afraid) about this.
    bryant.english likes this.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hong Kong

    Give the HKDR people a call. A guy at work picked up a dog from them and mentioned that they had some Retriever pups. You can also register with the SPCA and they will call you if/when they have any pups available.

    bryant.english likes this.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Yes it is possible to adopt purebred puppies from the SPCA. They are often "prosecution cases" where the breeders/dog sellers are being sued for illegal practice and their dogs/puppies are confiscated and held until the case is over.

    In our case, we adopted a poodle that was actually born to one of the confiscated dogs who was pregnant at the time of the raid. Thus he has no history of abuse and is the most friendly outgoing little fellow.

    Having said that, clearly his poor mum was overbreeding so he may well have more health issues down the road, compared to a responsibly bred one.

    I would suggest you call the SPCA to ask them what is available for adoption. (Prosecution case puppies tend to be popular and go quickly.)

    Good luck!

    bryant.english and TheBrit like this.

  8. #8

    Hi, also if you give HKDR a call - they can put you on a list to get a lab/retriever so when the next batch arrive you will get one. My partner and I initially wanted a lab/retriever but any breed of puppy will be great around your kids as long as you train it well. I infact got attacked by lab/retriever as a child! We have just adopted a 12 week mongrel pup from HKDR hes a sweetie! Good luck!

    bryant.english likes this.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2010
    New Territories

    1. There are no responsible breeders in HK.

    2. SPCA or HKDR should be able to get a lab or retriever pup, the latter does currently have retrievers but not sure about puppies, in any case they can contact you when one turns up, which probably would not be long. Otherwise why not go to a puppy adoption party at Whiskers N Paws on a Sunday afternoon and see what pup your kids bond with, rather than thinking about breed.

    3. Conditions are not necessarily bad for dogs in HK, it depends where you live and what life you give it.

    bugak, Cwbguy, HKthepeak and 1 others like this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    There is a chocolate lab lookalike puppy at HKDR - ask about Marlon. And I agree with Kiwi3 - reputable breeders in HK do not exist. Their sole concern is to con you out of as much money as possible and palm you off with a sick puppy. They do not care one bit about the puppy or the welfare of its parents. There are some super friendly puppies at the moment at the Whiskers n Paws puppy adoption Sundays at 10/Fl Horizon Plaza - check them out!

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