Don't understand why you wouldn't go to the SPCA....have you ever been there? Loads of pups of all varieties. Is it just some face thing where you have to be seen to have to spent the money on a breeder rather than just taking a 'free' dog?
I think when they say the husband needs to bring the pregnant lady what she wants, that refers to bringing her icecream or hamburgers in the middle of the night. Not a dog!
Watch 'The Dog Whisperer' show before you decide on getting a dog with a baby on the way.
Ther is no such thing as a low maintenance dog'.
It's a lot of fun. But I would wait until the kid is about 4-5 years old before I'd get one.
Then you get to enjoy the kids happiness with it! "We're getting a puppy!!!"
This morning, I was at the vet ( kitty having his vaccine, checkup) and mentioned that when my husband and I move to our larger home, we are interested in adopting a dog. Straight away I was told about a 1 yr old beagle male needed to adopt because the owners just had a baby and didn't want the dog anymore. Sad so sad.
Thanks guys.. U guys reaffirm what i was fairly sure of. However, these posts help convince my family that i was right all along. they all want a dog (its been a dream of mine for 20 yrs) but i am not convinced we can do the work required . So the pressure to adopt one was growing. Thanks to these posts they're now realising we need to think this through again . Most def. my plan is to house sit a friends dog first for a week then take a decision onwards...
Last edited by Fiona in HKG; 14-06-2012 at 08:44 AM.
That's a great approach, to dogsit for a week. Please understand, though, the very specific needs of a puppy for toilet training, biting habits, introduction to obedience training, etc.
Good luck with the week when you have a dog with you. And maybe, just maybe, you might reconsider looking to adopt rather than buy.