Hi guys,anybody here who can help me adopt or buy a welsh corgi? Thank you very much! Kindly post your message in this thread or email me at [email protected]
Hi guys,anybody here who can help me adopt or buy a welsh corgi? Thank you very much! Kindly post your message in this thread or email me at [email protected]
We occasionally get corgis at the Hong Kong Dog Rescue. We don't have any right now, but if you send an email to our adoption coordinator we will let you know if one comes available. You can find the email address at: Hong Kong Dog Rescue
A lovely one year old corgi just came available at the Hong Kong Dog Rescue. A picture will be up on the web site soon. For adoption queries you can call 94481128 (English only) or 28752162 (Kennels) or email [email protected].
Thank you very much for the help! I emailed HKDR as soon as I got your message so I could see the lovely corgi asap. My family's really excited to have a new member.
Hi! Unfortunately, the Corgi was adopted so soon. So I'm still on the search to adopt or buy one...but as i have mentioned I do prefer adopting. Will try other animal shelters or if hkdr would be having one again, kindly advise me. Thanks a bunch!
BTW: if any one else has suggestions about where i could adopt or buy a welsh corgi, kindly post in this thread. Thanks again!
I though I saw two Corgis on the hong kong dog rescue site today...one was already homed but there's still one left. If you check on the left hand side of the site's homepage, there is a link (it actually says LINKS) and it'll take you too other adopting sites such as SPCA.
Hope this helps.
This is the one I'm talking about that is still available on the hong kong dog rescue site. Picture is on the site (sorry couldn't cut and paste it).
Foxy is probably a mix of corgi + something else as she has the body shape and size of a corgi. She is a very timid girl, and will need a home that can bring her out of herself and get her to trust. She is getting better all the time, but will never be an outgoing dog.
Good luck.
Hopefully I found this dog a new home
Also, I wanted to add that there is a clip of FOXY on the site. She does look timid, but my dog was like that when I rescued her (my dog was 6yrs old at the time, and lived till she was 16 yrs...) My dog's ears were down, tail tucked in between her legs, constantly hiding under the kitchen , tableand didn't even bark. It took a bit of time, but she became feistier than ever! What a B*****. In a good way of course.
I'm not trying to sell you on this dog..who am I kidding..I am!...seriously though, just wanted to let people know that old/timid dogs are worth adopting.
Janet thanks very much for all the effort and help. I did checked out the website. I inquired over at hkdr's hotline, though the "questioning" part was really rigorous, but it's fine. Anyways, thanks again for the help! Ok with me=the adoption of senior dogs.
HOOORAY! I am so glad to hear that! Hope all goes well