First pet of my life

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Sham Tseng, NT

    First pet of my life

    Hey guys,

    When i was very young, it turned out that i was allergic to animals. Last year I tested myself for some transmittable diseases and threw in an allergy test (same price and they had to draw blood anyway). To my surprise my allergies have completely cleared

    So, i'm going to buy my first pet in my life, i.e. a cat. Have zero experience about this but i really love animals. I wasn't even allowed to touch one when i was younger, so am really really looking forward to this. I've held/touched an animal maybe less then 5 times in my life so it really is new to me.

    Just moved to HK and this is next on my to-do list. If anyone of you knows a good and reliable cat shop, please let me know. Am looking for a very young kitten to raise ...

    I also believe taking care of an animal is a big responsibility and i want to get it right, so all advice is very welcome

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sham Tseng

    If you can get one from the spca then you should do could discuss your issues with them so should it be necessary for you to give up the cat if your allergies flair up then they could take it back.

    Pet shops world over are renowned for accepting animals that are bred in 'animal mills' and will tell you anything just to make a sale. I have also heard lots of terrible stories of pet shop pets dying not long after coming home due to illnesses picked up in the shop.

    Moggies are the best cats you can get and they are quite resilient.

    Good luck.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    Yes - if you get a spca cat then you know that you are helping to save a life rather than encouraging animal farming. That's what I would do if i could get a cat - we had one in the UK but had to leave him behind when we went to KL and now I just travel too much. you should make sure he has had all his vaccinations etc when you get it, and probably be neutered too otherwise you could have some problems with kittens you were not expecting (depending on the sex of the cat). Male cats are much nicer neutered, "toms" can be quite difficult to manage.

    Then the worst problem is trying not to over spoil the cat and over feed it! Good luck. They are great companions.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Sham Tseng, NT
    Quote Originally Posted by larac:
    If you can get one from the spca then you should do could discuss your issues with them so should it be necessary for you to give up the cat if your allergies flair up then they could take it back.

    I also thought about that and checked with 2 doctors and both said that the allergy has completely cleared my system and that there is no reason to assume it would come back. I have as much chance to get the allergy back as someone who has never been allergic to it. Apparently it's a non issue. Otherwise I wouldn't get a cat.

    About the SPCA, I'll look into it. But would also like to see some good pet shops. Surely there must be some animal lovers who also breed for a profession?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Siu Lam

    I ll also recommend SPCA or Alleycat ! When i was looking for a cat i went to many shop and most of them have crazy price for a cat... Plus the way they keep the pet here is terrible.. I will really advise you to take a cat or kitten in Spca.

    When i took my kitten in spca i pay 400 hkd in total, the kitten was already toilet train and they do the desex for free.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by FilipH:

    About the SPCA, I'll look into it. But would also like to see some good pet shops. Surely there must be some animal lovers who also breed for a profession?
    Animal loves do NOT breed as a profession. "Professional" breeding operations are animal mills, which often only care about the bottom line, like any other business. They are also much less regulated in Asian countries, so the wellfare of the animals is not protected.

    Some animal loves do chose to breed their own pets (often when they are of "show" quality), but it would be very, very unlikely for them to sell the offspring through a pet store. If you must have a purebred kitten contact breeders directly, visit the premises (if the animals are kept in cages and not in the home, it is an animal mill) and have a vet check out the kitten before purchase.

    Alternatively, Hong Kong Alley Cat Watch always has a supply of lovely kittens and cats for adoption.

    HK Alleycat Watch !