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Aquarium question

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Aquarium question

    What aquarium & fish need the least maintenance? I am worried about aquarium needing oxygen and regular cleaning.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Manchester, UK

    Fresh water aquarium is easiest to keep.

    1. The larger the tank and less fish in it the less water changes you can get away with (once a month 1/4 water change can be doable)
    2. Smaller tanks you can add an air stone which really helps with oxygen and looks cool as well (cheap as chips)

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckster007:
    Fresh water aquarium is easiest to keep.

    1. The larger the tank and less fish in it the less water changes you can get away with (once a month 1/4 water change can be doable)
    2. Smaller tanks you can add an air stone which really helps with oxygen and looks cool as well (cheap as chips)
    Get a good quality filter and oxygenation system and you’ll be fine. As mentioned, 1/4 water changes are ideal but not only for ease of doing, but sudden and dramatic changes in water quality can shock fish to the point they all die within minutes.

    Better to change 25% of the water twice a month than to change 50% of the water once a month.

    Oxygenation systems don’t have to release bubbles. We have a small “waterfall” that spins a water mill that basically strokes the surface of the water. In doing so it mixes air and water. A noisier but more elegant option in my opinion (one less device sticking in the aquarium).

    We used to have a turtle and that was dirty. Cleaning weekly was mandatory. In comparison, fish will be easy. Dont overfeed, that helps a lot.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Read up about fishkeeping! There are plenty of online advice sites. For instance, this one is about goldfish but the principles are widely applicable - take the side links "General FAQ" and "Keeping": Goldfish history, colour and finnage, diseases, how to keep them, and how to breed them

    Successful fishkeepers are keepers of water. Once you understand about:
    - the nitrate cycle (the breakdown and accumulation of dissolved waste) and how to remove the nitrate (filtration, aeration and water changes);
    - the relationship between the size of the surface area of your aquarium and the maximum number of fish that can be safely kept (allowing for growth);
    - the frequency, amount and types of food to feed;
    then you should be ready to have a go.

    Goldfish are messy (I well know!). For an easier life, try a few tropicals. Ask (or read up) about compatibility: which fish types live peacefully together, which types become bullies, which can help keep the tank clean by eating algae and sifting the gravel substrate for uneaten food, and so on. Don't get any snails, however attractive: they poo, and some breed in a runaway fashion.

    And beware false info from aquarium shops to get you to buy; shop around for customer service.

    Tung Choi St in Mong Kok (north of Mong Kok Rd) is the place to go.

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