Sometime ago I decided to adopt a cat as I realised I couldn't have a dog with my lifestyle (single, out at work etc).
I did several months of deliberation and research (books, online), and then checked out the local adoption agencies.
I finally settled on a cat from a shelter. He was FIV positive, but I had read that it wasn't contagious to humans, and I knew he stood little chance of being adopted otherwise. He was exactly what I wanted, aloof but kindly, quiet, hated other cats etc. After going there to visit for a few weeks, I took him home. I even hired a helper an hour a day so he wouldn't have to spend all day alone.
Here started the problem. He is really a wonderful cat and doesn't scratch furniture, pees in his litter box etc. But he totally changed. This aloof cat which I thought would do fantastically on his own, revealed that he is totally a people-cat and wants company. He is just miserable because I am hardly at home, and when I am, he becomes totally clingy and attention-seeking, wailing to be petted all the time. It is causing a huge problem as I can't sleep, I've tried everything, sleeping with him in my bed, banishing him to the living room, training methods like ignoring him until he is quiet. But he meows for me through the night.
The funny thing is, when I travel and he stays with my friend, he is totally quiet and happy and purring. She works shorter hours and is at home a few hours a day, and he is much happier with her. Unfortunately her personal circumstances don't allow her to take him.
I'm in a bind, I'm totally exhausted from lack of sleep to the point where I sometimes really hate him and refuse to look at him, making him more clingy. I am seriously considering having him devoiced as I don't know what other option there is, other than to send him back. I cannot continue with no sleep. But he will never find another home as he is FIV+. He was so sad in the shelter as he really needs to be in a one-cat home, just not mine.
Despite all my preparation I'm out of my depth, and now realise I underestimated the situation entirely. (I am a dog person normally and not experienced with cats). It's such a shame as he doesn't deserve this as he is so lovely and I feel so guilty for being angry with him.
Does anyone have any constructive comments? (Not criticism please, as I already know all of that and don't need to hear anymore).