Found Some Puppies at the rubbish dump

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Clear Water Bay (In Da Jungle)

    Found Some Puppies at the rubbish dump

    Hi All,

    While going to throw my rubbish at the refuse collection point in my village, I found 3 puppies that were thrown away. Dumb ass villagers wont spend the money to get their dogs fixed so they keep on having puppies which they keep on throwing away.

    I have contacted SPCA who is coming to pick them up today, if your intrested in them please contact the SPCA, i will try to get a reference number or some sort so that you can contact them regarding these cute puppies.

    Unfortunatley I have 4 dogs already so cant keep them.

    Pictures attached.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    How awful, another bunch of pups dumped. I hope the SPCA wont take them directly to the AFCD. As this does happen. They are incredibly overcrowded like all the shelters at the mo and these pups look like they will need quite a bit of medication and time to get better before the SPCA can even think about rehoming them. Hmmm.... Maybe u should ask them when they come to pick them up what their intentions with the pups are and call frequently to check on them, i know for sure i will be calling them later reg these pups.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2006

    These things really pisses me off. Very happy to hear that you found them. Hope they get a chance to live.

    If I saw someone 'throwing away' some animal, that person would find out what it would feel like to be thrown away in the trash too.