Rent room for holiday ( a week )

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Rent room for holiday ( a week )

    Hi, can i ask a question?

    Er, as i'm coming to Hong Kong for a holiday, alone, i need a place to rest my foot. however, i find that staying in a hotel is way too expensive compared to rental rooms ( because from informations i had gathered from this forum, renting a room for a month cost HKD 2500 ). and even staying in motels cost HKD 280 per night. is it possible for me to rent a room with Hong Kong residents for around a week with a budget price? which should cost me at around HKD 600++ ??

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    when do u plan on travelling?
    i am in the same situation as u!! i'lll be going to hk for shopping and visiting friends for 1-2 weeks only. Are u interested in finding and sharing a place together and splitting the costs in half?
    if yes, contact me! [email protected]

  3. #3

    You guys may try looking for something cheaper, just want to point out that HKD2500 for a short-term room (only for a month!) sounds VERY VERY VERY cheap to me already!!!! True, some foreigners may sublet to you while they are away for vacation. good luck!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Your best bet is Chungking Mansions. If you want something nicer, then you will have to pay up (coming from someone who has stayed at every fleabag dorm). There are guesthouses in Causeway Bay but they are more expensive and you don't get much better value. I used to live in a building with a prominent guesthouse and it would break my heart everytime I saw a European FAMILY (parents and kids) staying in the guesthouse. For the same money, they could have gone to Priceline and gotten a real room in a real hotel.