Electronic Stores

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Electronic Stores

    Can anyone recommend good, reputable electronic stores in Hong Kong? I'm used to the Best Buys, Circuit Cities and Future Shops of North America and was curious whether there were any similar chain stores in HK. I'm assuming all my 120V 60Hz electronics are useless in HK and my company has given me a US$5,000 appliance allowance so I should put it to good use. I'm specifically looking for stores that sell electronics that have universal voltage so I can eventually bring it back to use in the U.S. I need a TV, VCR, DVD etc. Any online electronic stores that serve HK?

    BTW, does anyone know how much a transformer (that will allow me to change voltage) would cost? Thinking that I will need one to inflat my aerobed when guests come over

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    CausewayBay, Hong Kong

    The most common is Fortress and Broadway, which you can find home electronic appliances and home entertainment products, it carries a wide range, Fortress and Broadway maybe a little more expensive than local shops. THey are all scatter around Causeway, Central, all over.
    Fortress does not have a voltage transformer that changes 220 to 100, but I have bought mine at JUSCO (Tai Koo) where most japanese buy their things, many japanese bring appliances like Video recorder or DVD players, in Taikoo there are 2 shops where I found these transformer. they would cost around 250-400 HK $

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    This is as close as I've seen to a Best Buy-esque store in HK.

    http://www.fortress.com.hk/eng/home.asp There's quite a few of them and they'll have most anything you need.

    Better deals can be found elsewhere...but I'm still too new to know where those would be for what you're looking for.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    There's also Broadway


  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    just an interesting little piece of info i picked up on bbc. they did a comparison of prices on 5 or 6 name brand electronics (a camera, an Ipod, laptop, etc) in hong kong, singapore, london, new york, and tokyo. singapore was the most expensive over all and yes, hong kong the cheapest by a few hunderd dollars (US). buy, buy buy!

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    I'm sure the three hongs that control over 80% of Hong Kong' economy will love your contribution.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Lamp Parts/ bases/shades/pipes ect...


    I live in Singapore and visit Hong Kong often. Will be there mid April. Would like to know if anyone knows where I might find parts to create lamps for the home? Ideally I would like a shop that sells several different styles of bases and bits to pick and choose from, like an old hardware store or light shop that has parts. I will also be going to Shenzhen while there so if anyone knows of any lamp factory that sells small amounts of lamp parts that would be appreciated as well.