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  • 1 Post By wtbhotia

Advice on HSBC issue...paying back funds.

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  1. #1

    Advice on HSBC issue...paying back funds.

    Hi there.

    Could use some sound advice if anyone wants to share their 2 cents.

    Long story short: moved from Hong Kong a few months ago, took on a new assignment in the US for sometime. First day here, something happens. Card gets stolen. Or at least forgotten in the machine. Somehow, they managed to withdrawal funds with my personal PIN if this was skimming or I forgot the card in the machine I don't know.

    PIN was used, HSBC doesn't care. My point of view is, correct PIN was used. Not by myself. Clear case of fraud. But they protect themself when a pin was used...Worst is that they allowed 13 transactions in a row until my card/account was drained.... Crap.

    So, now I'm stuck with 40K debt with those guys. And right now with everything new here Inte US, funds are tight!

    I simply can't afford to pay this back right now. And what annoys me more is paying 40K back that someone stole from me.

    So... If I don't pay this back what will happen? Screwed for
    ILife? I haven't shut hong Kong down and would like to return one day. So don't want to completely screw myself either, but just in a bit of a jam in regards to these funds at the moment.

    Back in Hkg I would had paid it of in a month. But right now. I need waaaaayyy longer for that amount....

    (should mention my credit card was linked to a credit of 20K I had on my savings account so the debt is sort of split 50/50 between standard savings account and credit card... Just to make matters more confusing)



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    Involve the police?

    I dont know how you can forget your card in a machine - machine is supposed it eat it if u dont take it back. clear evidence of foul play. did u report it lost asap? u need toshow good faith that u acted appropriately and mitigates loss.

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using GeoClicks Mobile

  3. #3

    Yes, filled out a report. But in this city, it's just put on a mountain of other fraud cases. Fraud capital...

    Yes, I reported it lost a few hours later that night. They blocked and noted but was too late.
    Oddly enough. Some machines let u continue withdrawal even after u made ur transaction and are finished, many mates has done that stupid error here. "please press continue for further transactions" or whatnot

    Not sure if that's the case though. Its not making any sense. Just annoying that they can just brush it off that easy and not help out in anyway, but I'm just being naive maybe, humm

  4. #4

    But 13 transactions in one go, in my world it's ridiculous too allow that. I simply don't agree that it's correct from their side either. Never agreed to that, unless it's in the fine print

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Near Earth orbit

    I wouldn't pay it and make that very clear to HSBC. This is fraudulent use of your card and recovering that money is their responsibility.

    They're not going to like it and your credit score will end up in the toilet, but give that you can't pay right now that's most likely going to happen anyway.

    Be prepared for them to throw a lot of crap at you but the long and short of it they probably won't take you to court to recover the money because they know they could potentially lose.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    How can you say it's a clear case of fraud when your PIN was used and you seem unclear as to whether you left the card in a machine or whether it was actually stolen? Have you been able to prove to HSBC that it wasn't you? That you were elsewhere when your card was used?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Clear Water Bay (In Da Jungle)

    dont they have video cameras at the ATM machines, ask for the tape.

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