anyone keep arowana here? Care to meet up or let me have a glimpse of your arowana. I am new in HK and Very curious to see the breed here.
anyone keep arowana here? Care to meet up or let me have a glimpse of your arowana. I am new in HK and Very curious to see the breed here.
Hey Rabindranath/Damien,
There's a bar in Causeway Bay called Arowana that has a few in a tank. It's a private club, but they might let you in if you ask nicely. I know someone who knows the owner, so I've hung out there a few times and it's a really cool place. If you go over there, I'm sure you can convince them to let you have a look at the fish tank. lol
Hi Jay,
I am not the Indian Philosopher. Tagore is my nick. haha.
btw I am Singaporean Chinese. Do you keep arowanas? I do, in Singapore.
go to the goldfish street in prince edward...I have seen some of the stores there selling them.
I saw some. but not good enough . i need to see the hk arowana community.. see this site - Arowana Community for Aro collectors around the World!
I realized you weren't the Indian poet. I was just kidding. Did you ever get over to the bar in CWB?
I used to have a few Arowanas but sold them a few years back. Brings back memories of them. I used to walk into the room and they would swim fast back and forth like he knew he was about to get fed. Amazing fish.
What kind do you have? Silver? Red? Green? You have any other fish?