Moving to South Lantau - help!

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Moving to South Lantau - help!

    Hi my husband works for Cathay and he is moving to South Lantau - Cheung Sha - mid august. I am moving out from the UK with our 2 cats at the beg of Sept and i just wanted to know a bit more about the area.

    We are both early 30's with no children and are very socialble but loved south lantau more than other areas due to the beach and wildness for the cats!!

    I just wanted to know whether it is a close knit community - easy to meet people - any clubs to join etc. i will not be working to begin with and as i have always worked i am scared that i will get frustrated with not a lot to do!!!

    Also we may be going away on trips sometimes and was wondering how easy it is to find cat sitters?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Are you expecting to let your cats out to run wild as they would in the UK? Are they good with snakes?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Yes we were thinking of letting them out . to be honest they never really go that far and they are very big cats! So hopefully no snake attacks - more concerned about them bringing the snakes in the house!!!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Very Happy in Happy Valley

    South lantau is full with cathay pilots and their wifes you'll be making new friends in no time. for us we prefer to be closer to the city so i can easily access to the city/ shopping/ restaurant without having to worry about catching the ferry back to south lantau and also to have to worry about looking good when u run into ur boss im meeting up with my friend tomorrow she live in south lantau and also have cat will ask how she's doing and how's her cat doing for u. last time we were out there we were very amuse by the cows that walking roaming the street there your cat would love it .. lots of animals to wander around with and the beach so close

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Ex Sai Kunger Sunny Qld for now
    Quote Originally Posted by PDLM:
    Are you expecting to let your cats out to run wild as they would in the UK? Are they good with snakes?
    Umm it's a built in natural instinct for domestic cats to kill snakes, without any worry. It's an instinct passed down since the first domestic cat breed, the Egyptian Mau.

    Cats have no known predators in HK and very much at the top of the food chain, out in the wild here.

    For that reason alone, its responsible, to keep your cats indoors at night.

    Another good reason, is the instance of cat stealing/napping in urban area's, or cruel folks, that torture and kill cats here. The humble snake, is of no concern to your cats heightened hunting abilities.

    Dogs are more prone to being fatally bitten by bamboo snakes in HK, because they just don't have the observational instinct to detect the snake in the beginning, cats can seek out, and find a snake, even if you are not aware of it being there, killer kitty will though.

    [ame=]YouTube - snake fight believe it or not[/ame]

    Domestic and wild cats, share the same snake killing techniques.

    [ame=]YouTube - Cat VS Snake[/ame]
    Last edited by Skyhook; 22-07-2008 at 01:15 PM.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Thanks for your responses. We actually already do keep the cats in at night so will continue to do so - glad to hear that they will be able to stick up for themselves against the snakes!!!

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Moving to Cheung Sha

    It is a small community here and you'll find living in Cheung Sha there are stacks of Cathay pilots so am sure you'll get to know people quickly. My husband and I (I'm a pilot with Cathay) live in Pui O which is a bit quieter on the pilot front but there are still people around. You'll enjoy it