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How Racist is HK?

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  1. #1

    Question How Racist is HK?

    Hi All!

    So I've visited HK and stayed with some of my relatives. And I understand that there are some language barriers and culture stuff - but when they straight up say that Black/Hispanic people are lazy and have no self control (talking about economics and why certain people are poor), my American Social Justice Training automatically kicks in.

    Now I cannot say that America is not racist - we are. And we always accuse each other of being racist. And we're out and about killing each other and looting stores and burning stuff in the holy name of racial justice. Therefore, nobody says anything like 'Black people are XYZ' because everyone will call you racist, and you might get stabbed. So naturally I'm kind of shocked to hear somebody make a statement like that.

    Additionally, I know that every country is a little bit - or a lot - racist. And would like to ask expats, "How racist is Hong Kong?" and "Who is the target of Racism?"

    Thanks all.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal

    How racist are Hongkongers? They are even racist against Mainland Chinese, who are the same race. So don't feel too special or picked upon if they are racist against you; they are completely equal in their discrimination of everyone.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Claire ex-ax:
    How racist are Hongkongers? They are even racist against Mainland Chinese, who are the same race. So don't feel too special or picked upon if they are racist against you; they are completely equal in their discrimination of everyone.
    Clair nails it, but be equally comforted that the racism here rarely leads to violence.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Happy Monday all, lovely topic to start off the day!

    Mat, imparanoic and worldcitizen like this.

  5. #5

    Yup, I find the TV News channels in HK very boring. And I suppose it's a good thing. In America, fatal shootings are so common the we don't even bother reporting it. Hong Kong is very peaceful . My relatives were telling me that during the 'Occupy Central(?)' movement, the police didn't bring their guns - and actually got beaten pretty badly, but none of the protesters were hurt or killed.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BeachLOVER:
    Yup, I find the TV News channels in HK very boring. And I suppose it's a good thing. In America, fatal shootings are so common the we don't even bother reporting it. Hong Kong is very peaceful . My relatives were telling me that during the 'Occupy Central(?)' movement, the police didn't bring their guns - and actually got beaten pretty badly, but none of the protesters were hurt or killed.
    By any western standard the protesters and the police didn't get beaten during Occupy. It was the most peaceful two months protest the world has probably ever seen

    As for's very different. Sometimes I think they don't even know they are. But they are (they does not mean ALL of means some....)

    They just do things a certain way (which is somewhat racist) but they don't beat the crap out of you because you are black or whatever....but if you take a bus for example....they will seat in the following order
    if possible:
    Next to another Asian
    Next to a white guy (because the white guy is by definition bigger and take too much space)
    Next to an Indian/black (because they have a smell)

    So that's the type of racism you will get it. It's not violent...but it's little things day to day.
    Either you get over it (easier said than done for some) or you don't and you will hate the place.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Wrong side of the door to hell

    I think racist is the wrong word, I prefer to use xenophobic.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Pampanga, Philippines

    For me the racism here is widespread and deeply ingrained BUT generally low level and definitely not violent. It still is a problem though.

    My family experienced a lot more racism in HK than in the UK (where they experienced none) but I always felt they were totally safe in HK but not in the UK.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by BeachLOVER:
    So I've visited HK and stayed with some of my relatives. And I understand that there are some language barriers and culture stuff - but when they straight up say that Black/Hispanic people are lazy and have no self control (talking about economics and why certain people are poor), my American Social Justice Training automatically kicks in.
    I don't think they know much about the Hispanic to make such statement. You must have heard wrong somewhere.

    From the sound of it, I think they're just stating a perception that is widely regarded as true but not many people dare to speak out on it because of the cultural backlash that is more or less non-existent in Hong Kong.
    BeachLOVER likes this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Manchester, UK

    Whenever you feel someone is being racist to you, just shout out 'DELAY NO MORE" and you will be fine, it will HELP you feel a lot better

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