Moving to Hong Kong, but.....

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Moving to Hong Kong, but.....


    I am a Chinese-Canadian and had lived in Canada for 20yrs and currently thinking of moving back to my home country for good. I just have some issues and hope someone can share their opinions.

    I had over 13 yrs of IT consulting and my expertise is now on J2EE Application Architecture and Team Lead. Since I have a wife and a kid (2 yrs), I need to know if the salary I get from HK is able to support my whole family. Provided our household salary in Canada is about 200,000 Cad. My wife is also in IT. I just wondering what kind of salary I can make in HK in order to maintain certain life style.

    In fact, we are still heavily debating whether we should since the economies in US and in Can are actually quite good now; however, going back HK has always been an topic in our family.

    Schools and place to live are also issues for us.

    Any opinions?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2005

    We've got the same problem as you but we're from Australia. We're currently debating whether to move back to HK. What are your major concerns ? Ours are whether HK is a family friendly place as we just had a baby 8 months ago. We're also concern if we can live in the HK polluted environment, overcrowded place, and the local chinese culture. Will you guys be able to fit in the culture as you've been back in Canada for 20 years ?

  3. #3

    It's funny that you guys consider to move back to Hong Kong despite some mojor concerns. Can you share with us why you want to move back?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by u22girl:
    We've got the same problem as you but we're from Australia. We're currently debating whether to move back to HK. What are your major concerns ? Ours are whether HK is a family friendly place as we just had a baby 8 months ago. We're also concern if we can live in the HK polluted environment, overcrowded place, and the local chinese culture. Will you guys be able to fit in the culture as you've been back in Canada for 20 years ?
    I am glad that we are not least we have someone out there share the similar experience. I guess my major concern is the salary. We want to know if we can maintain the similar kind of life style that we had so far. In terms of environment, I am not too concerned since we both were raised in HK, although it has been a long time and HK has changed a lot. We have the confident we will be able to adapt the living conditions there. Only concern is our kid. We need to find daycare/preschools and probably some philippino helper living in our house just to help out things.

    In fact, we found Canada is kind of "boring" and we'd talked about going back HK long time ago but never took it in action. Now since we only have a very young kid and seems to us that it is "now or never" kind of thing, so we are consideing seriously.

    Would be interested to see others opinions like what you think about moving back.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    same here. Came to NJ, US , 21 years ago.

    I guess the reason is always about the lift style. we make good money here (my wife and I, both IT) but still feel that something is missing.

    I did some research before, with our current income (about the same as you in Canada), there is very little chance to get IT job that pay this well in HK. Unless, you are being send by the Company here.

    From what I can see, unless you have some saving, and can buy a place in HK without mortgage (or only small mortgage), it will be a big different in monthly saving in HK.

    Most of the good paying IT jobs are only paying about 20,000 to 40,000 a month HK dollar. but mortgage or rent will be at least 10,000 a month or up.

    we are thinking about paying for a place, and only one of us work. (since my wife is a IT analyst, I don't think they even have the same job in HK). And let her start a small business, to see if she can make more money that way.

    my first step is still getting a IT job in HK, i am checking JobsDb site, to see if there is any company willing to pay for some of the relocation expenses.

    let me know what are some of the steps/plans you have in mind.


    (we have a 4-years old son, the problem is, he only speak English)

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Kowloon-side, between work and pleasure


    Canadian here, and both understand what you mean about Canada being a bit "boring" if you mean slower paced, not the same energy as Hong Kong. Still, there are very real aspects of Canada I miss terribly...the valuing of diversity, perspective on hierarchy, greater social mobility, realization that once you have "enough" money, there has got to be more to life, the concept of a weekend, equal pay for equal work, relative freedom from us><them dynamics, very different underpinnings for principles of natural justice and ways of seeing/understanding situations. If you have lived abroad for a length of time, these are aspects that may eventually mean more than you think.

    At the same time, HK gets under your skin. I worry about going back and finding nothing quite measures up to the energy's a trade off. I find the people generally great, an endlessly fascinating maelstrom of humanity. And, as a non-Chinese, every moment is an education.

    As for money, 200k annually is a lot in Canada. Housing in HK cannot compete (I had 4200 sq ft and gardens that would cost tems of millions here). Check out and such for comparisons. For spending money, think 60k/month after housing and you'll be in fine shape, maintaining your life style pretty well. Many, many people here make a fraction of that income and get on just fine. Of course, all of that varies per the individual. Do you like Fairwood for meals, or Beijing Garden, or Gaddi's? Will you drive? Is your tailor on Nathan or will you be using Ascot Chang, etc.? Have friends with a fine lifestye--travel, great flat, eating out, part-time help...probably around 40k with rent of 12k in Tin Hau. Dined recently at a house (yeah, a house!) on the Peak...different world. It is a place of extremes. I like that. It's another aspect of HK to enjoy.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    I've had the same concern a few years back in Canada. It was certainly a now or never thing. I didn't want to regret for standing-by and routinely doing nothing, so I decided to come back and see how much more I can make of myself. Give if a few years and if the situation worsens, then I will head back to Canada with greater experience. Should try coming back YOURSELF first if possible, job expectations are totally different in HK. You might not like the working environment and be back before your family even starts missing you. See if you can adjust to the living environment that HK holds for you. But it is certanly a decision that you will have to live with, and hopefully with no regrets. Good Luck

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2005

    Moving back to HK (after being overseas for 6 yrs) will provide my partner a better opportunity for his career, and will be substantially more financially rewarding. But more money doesn't necessarily mean a happier life. We will have to compromise on the quality of life - long working hours, living space, etc. There are people talking about a simple lifestyle and how good it can be. But my partnet is not sure whether this is what he ultimately wants though he seems enjoying it so far.

    Daltera, I think CAD200K is a lot in Canada. Not sure whether your IT specialty is financial services related. If so, you can be well paid in HK. You will probably be worse off if you cannot have $1.5 to $2m a year.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Mind your own f**k'n business!

    u22girl, i think you have already answered your own question in this and your other thread! You don't want to move, so just be honest with your husband.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    beach burbia Elwood/ HK

    [QUOTE=JJexpat] there are very real aspects of Canada I miss terribly...the valuing of diversity, perspective on hierarchy, greater social mobility, realization that once you have "enough" money, there has got to be more to life, the concept of a weekend, equal pay for equal work, relative freedom from us><them dynamics, very different underpinnings for principles of natural justice and ways of seeing/understanding situations. If you have lived abroad for a length of time, these are aspects that may eventually mean more than you think.


    i couldn't agree more with this summary of cultural assumptions that have little sway in the hk picture.

    maybe in coming to a decision think in terms of health too--where will you be able to live healthy states of mind, what impact of poor air, options to release stress..boredom could be an unhealthy state but what kind of energy are you trading for, and is that interesting or also boring?

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