Canadian here, and both understand what you mean about Canada being a bit "boring" if you mean slower paced, not the same energy as Hong Kong. Still, there are very real aspects of Canada I miss terribly...the valuing of diversity, perspective on hierarchy, greater social mobility, realization that once you have "enough" money, there has got to be more to life, the concept of a weekend, equal pay for equal work, relative freedom from us><them dynamics, very different underpinnings for principles of natural justice and ways of seeing/understanding situations. If you have lived abroad for a length of time, these are aspects that may eventually mean more than you think.
At the same time, HK gets under your skin. I worry about going back and finding nothing quite measures up to the energy's a trade off. I find the people generally great, an endlessly fascinating maelstrom of humanity. And, as a non-Chinese, every moment is an education.
As for money, 200k annually is a lot in Canada. Housing in HK cannot compete (I had 4200 sq ft and gardens that would cost tems of millions here). Check out and such for comparisons. For spending money, think 60k/month after housing and you'll be in fine shape, maintaining your life style pretty well. Many, many people here make a fraction of that income and get on just fine. Of course, all of that varies per the individual. Do you like Fairwood for meals, or Beijing Garden, or Gaddi's? Will you drive? Is your tailor on Nathan or will you be using Ascot Chang, etc.? Have friends with a fine lifestye--travel, great flat, eating out, part-time help...probably around 40k with rent of 12k in Tin Hau. Dined recently at a house (yeah, a house!) on the Peak...different world. It is a place of extremes. I like that. It's another aspect of HK to enjoy.