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Throwing object from 15 floor

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  1. #1

    Question Throwing object from 15 floor

    My friend and his husband have figth one night.and husband called police saying she throw a luggage from the 15 floor .
    when they went to court the migistrates ask the husband and helper if they saw her throwing it .they said no..shes now waiting for verdict and she is afraid .anyone knows if no evidence or no cctv she throw it which she promise she did not ,what will it be ?or worst scenario ?her lawyer not giving her enough info about the case. shes helpless. she have 3 kids and having anxiety lately.i feel sorry for will be a big help if anyone can give any clear explanation might happen.thank you

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by bATHEREDWIFE:
    My friend and his husband have figth one night.and husband called police saying she throw a luggage from the 15 floor .
    when they went to court the migistrates ask the husband and helper if they saw her throwing it .they said no..shes now waiting for verdict and she is afraid .anyone knows if no evidence or no cctv she throw it which she promise she did not ,what will it be ?or worst scenario ?her lawyer not giving her enough info about the case. shes helpless. she have 3 kids and having anxiety lately.i feel sorry for will be a big help if anyone can give any clear explanation might happen.thank you
    So the husband called the police to say she threw something, then later in court he retracted his statement - basically admitting he lied? Was something thrown - was it outside on the street? Would this piece of luggage have even fit through a window?

    Sounds rather odd that it got to court if there's no evidence. What does her lawyer say?

  3. #3

    small luggage. and its at the back of their to sea and many trees. yes the have this big window .
    she said the husband always control freak. her lawyer actually not saying much ,always saying lets wait for the verdict.she feel hopeless and hanged .

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Really not sure what she was charged with and how the prosecutors figured this was worth taking to court (they should have evidence of the crime and be convinced they can win in court to pursue this).

    newhkpr likes this.

  5. #5

    No CCTV, Even the husband and helper said they never saw her .i guess the stupid husband make it up so he frigthened her to death. and after he brimg her to court to scare her he just said i dont remember what happen, she came home late and drunk. he is british and shes indonesian.i really feel bad to her.i cant imagine when their kids grown ups how they feel about it .

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2023

    Y'all need to grow up. This is very childish and a waste of any court's time.

    bATHEREDWIFE and aw451 like this.

  7. #7

    Strangest thing. I was walking down the street near the sea a while ago and out of nowhere this luggage falls out of the sky and lands on my head!

    People on the street said it looked like it came from the 15th floor, and right before I heard some English gentleman yelling at his wife that he didn't like her coming home drunk from Wan Chai!

    Fortunately I was able to get a cab home quickly as all these lawyers rushed out of one and ran into the building, something about luggage being removed illegally.

    shri, qhank, ByeByeEngland and 5 others like this.

  8. #8

    funny how you jump on conclusion she came from wanchai..another funny guy like you dear..your comment is just proof how you love to go

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Sai Kung
    Quote Originally Posted by bATHEREDWIFE:
    funny how you jump on conclusion she came from wanchai..another funny guy like you dear..your comment is just proof how you love to go
    funny how you concluded she went to Wan Chai

    he came home drunk from Wan Chai and concluded he didn’t like her

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    It’s simply he said / she said. The court requires proof of evidence. If there’s no suitcase outside……it didn’t happen.

    Were there any battered sausages?

    Last edited by ArrynField; 05-09-2024 at 05:06 PM.

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