my hubby, my baby, i live on less than $30,000/month. we pay about $6,000 in rent and we have a full time helper($3400). we aren't able to save very much because we are paying of schoolng for both of us. once that is paid off, we should be able to save some. we don't go out for dinner very often anymore because our helper is a great cook. we usually buy DVDs instead of going to the cinema (easier with a baby). we do go out once per month for a "date night" including dinner and a movie. we don't buy our clothes at armani nor our groceries at citysuper or oliver's. we think before we spend whether we NEED what we are buyiing or whether we WANT it.
i can only dream of making $65,000/month (and having no one to spend it on but myself).
my suggestion is not to get into the "expat" lifestyle too much. we have friends that just moved back to canada after about 4 years here. they purchased a nice brand new house and a couple of new cars with CASH. they are in their early thirties and have no mortgage to pay and money in the bank. they are able to live for a least a year before they MUST find jobs!!!
to me that is a fantastic position to be in when you return to your home country!!!
to make a long and boring post short...$65,000 should be enough for you to live on with about $40,000 per month to spare!!!