I work for a US company with an office in HK. I have been working in HK for the past year, but never staying more than 3 months at a time. Just have been getting my passport stamped each time in while the airlines get rich off of me.
In January I will not be going back to the US as I am moving my family over. Am I right in thinking I need to get a work Visa for myself, and dependent visas for the wife and two kids (age 2 and 1)?
Also, I have seen a lot of post that have said employers usually take care of the leg work in getting the visa. That will not happen in my case as I am the first person in my company to ever be transplanted over here. This means I have to figure it all out on my own as they have no experiene.
I appreciate some pointers or at least someone getting me going in the right direction.